Minah was surprised to see the guild so empty, as she doubted everyone would be on jobs again. “[i]Weird it’s almost like everyone disappeared or maybe... they never existed in the first place. What if...THEY WERE GHOSTS! No that’s stupid, ghosts don’t use magic, I must’ve just imagined them, or they died, or they actually did disappear. Well, whatever.[/i]” She thought to herself as she wandered over to the job board, glancing over the requests on it. “Slim pickings…” She muttered when she realized there was only two requests left. “[i]I can probably handle the monster job on my own, but that would be boring. I wonder if there’s anybody left hanging around the guild, there was Elliot, and that one girl but I don’t know how much of a help they would be in a fight. There is always this Scepter thing, but what even is a scepter? Is it food? I hope it’s food, it’s probably food, yea it’s food isn’t it. It’s settled then,[/i]” She thought as her mouth curved into a W shape. “[i]I will acquire the Delicious Scepter with Elliot and that one girl! I think her name was Emmy...or was it Erica...or maybe Amy? I have no idea! But, together we shall acquire this delicious Scepter and eat it![/i]” Her hand forming a fist in front of her face which bore a look of unshakable determination.