[center][b]VALENTE[/b] Valente struggled to hold in his laughter at the sight of Jecht worrying over Trixxtal's foot and only just managed to keep it in until Jecht left the room. With the vampire gone, Valente let out his hysterical laugh and if he was in his human form he would have doubled over by now, holding his stomach from all the laughter. " Ahaha, that's so great!! You guys are [i]too[/i] cute!!" He breathed out between giggles. This earned him another hard stare from Trixxtal and a shoe thrown in his direction, " Shut up Valente!! You wish you had [i]half[/i] of what me and Jecht feel for each other!" Valente continued to laugh harder at Trixxtal's statement. He had been around long enough to see most aspects of the grandpa's relationship and he was perfectly honest when he said that he wanted a relationship [i]nothing[/i] like theirs. His poor heart wouldn't be able to take all the stress they go through. He was about to tell Trixxtal as much but then Jecht came into the room and he promptly closed his mouth. He listened as Jecht asked Trixxtal what happened and heard the blonde mutter " Him," before pointing up to where Valente was. It was smart of him to place the shield up before coming here, because the bolt of lightening Jecht shot at him came as no surprise and he laughed gleefully as the bolt bounced off the barrier and hit a particularly distasteful piece of art hanging up on the wall. " Now now Jecht, do you shoot lightning at all your guests or am I just special?" With a flick of his wrist, he returned to his original form but remained floating in the air where he was safe. The barrier still remained around him, just incase Jecht threw another bolt at him, along with the blocks on his magical energy. [b]TRIXXTAL[/b] Trixxtal grimaced as the picture frame fell to the floor, ruined. He had taken so long to decorate each room according to the mood and he had spent [i]hours[/i] choosing out that specific art piece! And now it was ruined all because Valente wouldn't let Jecht hit him! " He hid in my shoe Jecht!" He complained, " Waited until I tried to put my shoe on and then viciously attacked me!" He glared up at the golden haired wizard as he replied, " Oh give it a rest! You vampires bite people all the time, I don't see why you get so mad when someone does it to you! It's like they say, karma's a bitch!" The wizard erupted into laughter again and every giggle just made Trixxtal angrier.[/center]