In a galaxy far far away there was a world known as the spirit word where souls and kami alike lived... there was a nine tailed, dragon slaying, robo-warrior fox spirit of of the avatar who made love to a Vampiric-Sayan who died and became a soul reaper demon from hell sent to protect a boy and then eat him. Their nearly homosexual yet somehow still straight love (even though they both look like females cause fuck... why not since it's anime?) created a child as the two energies united known as Ryuku Kyuzuu, who all his life he wanted to learn what it was like to go down onto the fantasy world Nirrn where the elves, humans, dwarves and dragons alike all lived in peace with each other. One day however it was learned that both of his parents disappeared as they were shamed for their evil love, thus forcing him to be cast down from the heavens and onto the world. There he met his first true love, Marry Sue who everyone loved because of her perfectness. However Marry sue's hardest life choice came when the two also met Emokins the Third, who managed to take away Marry Sue's "Cherry Blossom" but than again she was so popular and perfect for both boys that she told them that while Ryuku was her main romantic love Emokins would be her sexual love and thus created a great feud that would end in one of the two dying. Out of his rage Emokins gave Merry Sue the back of his hand and thus resisting her perfectness, rupturing the time space continuum. out of the last second though Ryuku decided to go into his ultimate form, becoming the nine-tailed Fox-Saiyan that would eat all the fires created from the screaming dragons that breathed fire at the group to gain enough power to stop this rupture in reality. It was a futile effort as Emokins skillfully cut off his tail but even that wasn't enough to stop Ryuku's unstoppable love for Marry. The air grew thin and suddenly a mass pressure of pure energy could be felt everywhere as Ryuku gained his Super Bankai and soon after his tail regrew because of his super vampire demon healing. With a wave of his hand the black hole shattered like glass and when marry stopped crying from the pain of being hit everything in the world became normal again because Marry Sue said so. Marry Sue looked at Emokins and told him that he was now her sexual slave and Emokins said, [b]"Mkay...[/b] Because Marry Sue is perfect and Marry Sue always gets what Marry Sue wants. Elsewhere and Orc named Grunt walked to the car suited scientist woman named Dr. Intangilble who sat in suggestive poses on her throne. [b]" Mind if I ride you big boy?[/b] asked Dr. Intangilble trying to suggest something though since Grunt is an Orc he mistook it as a horsey ride, like he used to do when he was a kid. So he walked up to the doctor, picked her up, put her on his back and began to run around in circles. Three hours later of this the Doctor finally got off and was then told about the three heroes. Out of anger she tells the orc to send all his men to stop the evil people and with a shrug the dumb brute sent his people down to kill these three people, only for his army to be defeated by Ryuku, who then learned Super Vampkai 2 & Super Foxkai 3 as he shot down the armies with his totally awesome robo-arm and air bending powers. Marry Sue was upset that he was sent to kill him though because Marry was perfect that she forgave him and persuaded him to join them on her team. Then lead them up to the castle doctor doom in which Mr. Generic bad was guarding all along and soon killed Marry sue in the perfect way but because she was perfect she became the god of love and acceptance and by Grunt's, Ryuku's and Emokin's tears of love after her death they suddenly revived in the perfect way. Soon they were to reach Dr. Intangilble and after an epic battle in which Ryuku learned Super Foxvamproboavatarkai 4 (with pink fur and eyeliner) he was able to teleport everywhere and kill all the baddies by himself. But because Marry sue was perfect she summoned more baddies so SHE could kill them all instead of him and then told the group all of the doctor's plans before the doctor even knew about those plans because she was so perfect. It didn't take long before Emokin falls in love with Intangilble, preventing and more hate in her heart and now they all had one big giant orgy out of love an happiness because Marry sue demanded such.... and then erased all of their existence because she wished them all away because they didn't give her the perfect dress like she wanted. THE END!!!!