Music - [url=]The Tyrant[/url] [center] [img=] [/center] [center][b]Rebel 1 - ACTION![/b][/center] [img=] Hugh: Let me do the honors! Haaaah! He advanced at high speeds at Azrael, whoever, Hugh missed the first punch, Azrael grabbed Hugh's leg and threw him away, when he did though, Fael was already in front of him with his Wooden Sword in hands. [img=] Fael: Take this! Azrael blocked this attack, then grabbed the wooden sword and threw it with Fael still holding it away, then he started to get bombarded with Mei's energy spheres. [img=] Marie: Yeah, i got him. Whoever, before she knew it, Azrael was in front of her, and grabbed her by the neck. [img=] Fael: MEI! [img=] Hugh: You...release her now! Azrael: Make me, isn't this what this test is about? [img=] Marie: think you can...hold me for that long? Mei took a hold of Azrael's arm, sigils formed in it and they exploded, making him release her, when he recovered, Fael ad Hugh once again closed on him. Fael and Hugh: HYAAAAAAAA!!!! With a swing of his sword and Hugh's Eletrified kick, they managed to hit Azrael. [img=] Hugh: Urgh...what this guy is made off? [img=] Fael: I wonder if we ever injured this guy... Azrael: Hehehehehehe... [img=] Fael:.... [img=] Azrael: Guess i can fight normally with you guys now. [img=] Fael: Nor....mally? Hugh get's suddenly kicked away with the Mad Dog's absurd strenght, he then throws a punc at Fael, he blocks it, but is sent flying away, hitting the lone tree with violence. [img=] Fael: Gah.... Azrael: I still havent tested your endurance yet. [img=] Marie: [u]Ancient Barrier![/u] She enveloped herself in a veil, to endure another of Azrael's punches, she got sent away as well. [img=] Rachel: It's only going to get harder from now on, the better you fight, the more dangerous he gets. [img=] Hugh: Only now you...COUGH....tell us this.... [img=] Marie: She...wasn't supposed to tell us before...or it would ruin the tests purpose... Azrael: Make sure to not disapoint me now, you have arrived at the point of no return, if you regret, consider yourselfes devoured. [img=] Fael: Kurgh...An oponent that get's stronger the better we i get the "hopeless" part...but... Music - [url=]ACE ATTACKER[/url] [u]Flashback[/u] [img=] Hayate: Don't Lose Hope... [u]Flashback ends[/u] [img=] Fael: My Hope will be really gone when i die...or when i stop smiling! Azrael: Spare me of the heroic speeches. Fael: Okay, if you want action, i'll give you this! He spins his wooden sword on the air, gathering Light on it, then he takes a stance and aims at Azrael [img=] Fael: [u]Divine Punisher!!![/u] He shots a powerful blast at Azrael, it manages to hit him and send him away, bouncing some times on the ground until he stopped, falling on his feet, with a grin on his face. [img=] Hugh: Haha! Nice one Fael. [img=] Marie: We must not lose Hope! [img=] Fael: Let's go! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! The three once again lunges at the Mad Dog, finally understanding what they must do.