Name: Zharkov the Crusher Gender: Male Age: 24 (Earth years) Race: Pravadov Racial Traits: Once a proud warrior race, the Pravadov people were raised on the icy planet of Pravadia. They are human in appearance with strong legs and even stronger alcohol tolerance. The Pravadov also possess high resistance to cold temperatures, capable of staying in sub-zero temperatures for indefinite amounts of time. Adapted to seeing through the Pravadovian blizzards, the people adapted especially long eye lashes, capable of keeping snow from their eyes. The eyes themselves are adapted to seeing far away, The respiratory of a Pravadov are also highly developed, capable of storing vast amounts of oxygen. Skilled enough Pravadov are capable of spraying focused blasts of oxygen before introducing friction allowing them to breath fire. Physical Appearance: Personality: Zharkov is the strong and silent type, giving Spartan responses only when necessary. Taciturn, he remains an enigma to all those who meet with him. Though he is usually only greeted with new people in the gladiator ring, where they are much too busy beating down each other. Zharkov lets his fists speak for him. Occupation: Gladiator/Slave History: Zharkov was born in the icy planet of Pravadov. There, he was trained as a warrior from childhood by his village's elders. However, the Praeclara are known to raid Pravadia for slaves. Zharkov was one of these captured slaves, and had been one since he was a child. As a slave, he was raised as a gladiator, living only to fight. His masters threatened to kill him should he ever refuse. Skills: Zharkov is skilled in using any melee weapon he is presented with. In addition, he is very capable of improvising weapons. He is also a heavy lifter. Equipment: He has nothing but a suit of gladiator armor. Aspirations:Fight. Win. Philosophy: In the battlefield, the only thing with substance is your actions. Random Tidbits: Zharkov squats compulsively due to subconscious habit.