Without further delays, heres a CS! [s]Aigis x FeMC best pairing. Totally not biased towards yuri, nope[/s] [hider=Nozomi Rei] [b]Name:[/b] Nozomi Rei [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://i.imgur.com/uBZDgBm.jpg]Character Image[/URL] Rei is a girl with a petite but deceptively toned build. Standing at around 5'2-5'3 she holds the build of a scrapper, small but tough making her one it would be unwise to underestimate due to her size. Her hair is a light brown, styled in a bob-cut with bangs hanging over her face, the tips of her hair dyed red at the sides. She prefers light but close fitting clothing and tends to alternate between skirts and pants in equal measure, almost always wearing her black cap. When wearing a skirt she will always wear shorts beneath. Finally, her eyes are an icy blue and her skin is of average complexion. [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Grade:[/b]Third Year [b]Arcana:[/b] Death [b]Weapon:[/b] [URL=http://i.imgur.com/zoxEo2n.jpg]Combat Knife[/URL] [b]Equipment:[/b] Rei often carries miscellaneous medical supplies such as bandages in the pouch on her belt, along with her knife, mp3 player and other odds and ends. [b]Evoker:[/b] Rei's evoker is an mp3 player loaded with a certain sound which when played triggers memories, anxiety and fear, drawing out her persona. [b]Personality:[/b] Rei is a girl with an independent but somewhat unreliable nature. First and foremost she lives for herself, often unconcerned with others matters unless it serves some benefit to her as well. Still despite this self absorbed nature she can generally comes off as friendly, if not put off by a very candid attitude. Not one to hold her tongue the girl has a tendency to tease and jeer, usually playfully, at least in her mind. Truth be told her comments often come with no shortage of venom and may hit too close to home for those without a thick skin. When faced with things related to herself she tends to be very reserved, not willing to disclose much information at all and often dancing around or side stepping such topics. Because of this unwillingness lies and deception are no stranger to her, even seeming to at times find making up false backgrounds to be an amusing pass time. This combined with her already somewhat toxic personality can lead her to appear fairly shady and untrustworthy. When angered she can be ruthless, spiteful and even violent toward those around her. She is no stranger to holding grudges and will seize an opportunity to take revenge if she sees one, often even if the situation has long since passed. [b]Backstory:[/b] Rei is the youngest child of the Nozomi family, having a brother three years older than her and a sister six years older. Her family while seemingly average on the outside was a text book example of a book not matching its cover. A middle class working household which fell into a financial downward spiral sometime after the birth of their first child tension would inevitably build over the years while the parents attempted to reestablish themselves over the years to little effect. Naturally the unexpected births of the following two children would only serve to make this situation more difficult. By the time Rei was getting old enough to notice the tension in the house it had already built up quite significantly. Despite still maintaining a pleasant exterior outside, behind closed doors there was no shortage of arguments about finances and whatever else between her parents. Her elder sister, a responsible girl would try to help how she could but the truth of the matter would be there was little she could do. Her brother likely being influenced by the uneasy environment developed delinquent tendencies, often fighting with both the siblings and parents alike. As siblings go, Rei being the youngest was the one who would end up catching most of her brothers frustrations, often ending up fighting with him. Despite the growing dysfunction of their family the Nozomi parents were a proud pair, unwilling to show a weak face to the outside world or reach out for help. So the children were encouraged to put on a happy face for the outside world and make like nothing was amiss. Life like this continued until Rei was ten when things would finally tip over the edge. Her sister now in her teenage years had been trying to pick up what work she could but still being young herself had little luck. Her brother starting into puberty began to grow more unruly, falling into a bad crowd and becoming ever more trouble for the family. Rei still very much a child could only feel much frustration for her own lack of ability to do anything, only able to follow her parents instructions. Even as their parents grew more and more dysfunctional, fought and argued more and more, the children were already tightly bound by the rule of letting no issues leave the door of their home. Desperate Rei's father had turned to gambling, racking up a sizable debt in a fairly short time. Depressed and at a loss her mother turned to drinking, growing ever more depressed and angry with the entire situation. Halfway through the year everything would come to a climax. Her father returning home late at night from another failed gambling session, her mother drunk beyond any reasonable limits, the two would come to a heated argument in the middle of the night. Eventually after much shouting their mother would pull a knife on their father, driving it deep into his stomach in a drunken rage. Their father would drive the woman away with a hard shove, causing her to tumble back and crack her skull open as she fell to the ground. Arguments and shouting had grown common in the household so the children merely kept locked in their rooms, until the sounds of bodies hit the floor. Entering the front room of the home, the children would be greeted by the sight of their parents laying bloodied and motionless on the floor. Though her sister would quickly call an ambulance, the damage was done and neither of their parents would make it through the night. The children were orphaned and would soon be separated and sent off to whatever institute had room for them. It was at this time Rei lost touch with her elder siblings. Her next few years would be spent living in the orphanage she currently resides in. A cramped place filled with children and teens who had lost or been abandoned by their parents, a breeding ground for conflict despite staffs best effort. The building only very rarely had vacancies, soon as one person would leave to a home or another facility it would be only a matter of days until a new face arrived to fill the space. There was little celebration from the other residents whenever one would leave for a home, a barely contained air of spite for those had been chosen instead of them hanging in the air. This is where Rei's harsh personality was formed over the years, both a result the trauma of her parents deaths, an uneasy home life, separation from her siblings and finally being tossed into a hostile environment after too little time for a child’s mind to come to terms. She is currently attending a certain highschool where she makes decent grades. --- [b]Persona Name:[/b] Dullahan [b]Persona Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://i.imgur.com/4JHmNJN.jpg]Main Image[/URL] [url=http://imgur.com/a/UcMbX]Additional Images[/url] [b]Arcana:[/b] Death [b]Skills:[/b] Cleave, Mudo, Zio [b]Strengths and Weaknesses:[/b] Dullahan is a well rounded persona with strong single target damage in terms of both physical and magical aspects, average speed and a decent defense. Dullahan's weaknesses however come in the form of somewhat poor resistances. Being a persona of the death arcana it holds the characteristic weakness to light on top of its personal weakness towards ice. --- [b]Shadow Self Appearance:[/b] The familiar golden eyes of Rei's shadow are often hooded, its face showing a sullen hopelessness. Over all the shadows appearance is that of a much more haggard version of its true self with noticeably more messy hair like it was cut haphazardly and lacking the red tips, a somewhat gaunt build and cracked nails. For its clothing the shadow wears a heavy black mourning cloak with its hood pulled over her head. A white embroidery runs along the edge of the hood, around her collar and down the front center of the cloak. The lower hem of the fabric is ripped and tattered revealing feet worn with dirt and scratches. Its clothing beneath the cloak is an equally tattered white dress, the bottom torn away below the knees and a stain appearing to be blood near the stomach. [b]Shadow True Appearance:[/b] In its true form Rei's shadow takes the form of a twisted Dullahan. The shadow's severed head held in a locked rusted cage remains its human appearance, save for a wicked grin spread ear to ear and nearly pure black eyes with only a tiny iris frantically darting about. In this form the shadows cloak changes into a heavy mass of clattering chains, each with a heavy metal ball at the end of each which drags against the ground. Beneath the cloak of chains it wears the same dress as its human form. The shadows arms grow thinner with flesh clinging more tightly to bone as it goes down giving it sharp skeletal claws, one hand always holding the cage its head sits in. The shadows legs are bound by strong shackles connected together by a chain restricting movement. [b]Shadow Self Personality:[/b] Rei's shadow is one with an unpleasant depressive personality, clinging onto the past with a stubborn unwillingness to let go. Its words are harsh, laced with grief and venom towards itself and anyone around it yet despite this finds it impossible to cut ties with others. If it is left it will chase and plead, becoming aggressive, spiteful and violent if it becomes apparent the individual it covets will no longer have anything to do with it. The shadow is one which rejects and fears change in all forms, merely wanting things to stay as they were. [/hider]