Name of nation:Equestrian Empire Species: Ponies(Sub-types being alicorn, unicorn, pegasus, earth pony, and the lesser known bat-pony), Griffons, Dragons, Zebras, Buffalo, and Selkath) Ponies are the most notable of all races in the Equestrian Empire. They lead Equiis prior to there space-age into glory, there scientists and philosophers becoming some of the best known to all equestrian races. They are divided into 4 different sub-types. The first are the Alicorns, only 4 exist. The Alicorns act as the leaders of the Equestrian Empire, and relieve there status for doing a great deed for the Empire. They are a combination of the Unicorn, Pegasus, and Earth Pony, giving them the abilities of all 3. The next on the list is the Unicorn, which are currently the only ones in Equestria who can directly tap into magic. They often act as scholars and scientists, but this does not mean the other sub-types can't be scientists, the unicorns just have more of them becoming scientists. The next are the Pegasi, with the abilities of flight and can manipulate the weather. Some Pegasi have been known to be able to fly beyond the speed of sound, creating a destructive force known as the Sonic Rainboom. The next one is the Earth Pony. They are the strongest of all the sub-types, and have a naturual affinity to plants and animals, making them great farmers. The final sub-type is the bat-pony, a close cousin to the pegasi. While not being as fast as the pegasi they are a lot more stealthy and are granted super hearing. They also exclusively make up the Lunar Guard. Griffons are often hailed as the warriors of the Equestrian Empire. They tend to be loyal and honest, and often have a naturual combat prowess that no other species in the Equestrian Empire can match. They have sharp claws, and while they can fly it tends to be very slow and only at short distances. The color of there feathers tends to stay more to darker colors, unlike the ponies who coats color can be anywhere in the spectrum. Dragons are one of the most dangerous races in the Equestrian Empire. While there size varies most tend to reach the size of a small shed, with the biggest being able to shake whole mountains with there snoring and cover cities with smoke. They are also heralded for some of the unique substances, one of which is Dragon Fire, a very destructive force. Zebras, while not seeming to have anything special to give actually do have a important purpose. They are excellent and making alchemical potions and substances, and have great martial arts abilities. They also tend to be more secretive then the other Equestrian Races, and haven't spread out as much as the other races have. Buffalo are the last Equestrian of the Equestrian Races within the Equestrian Empire. They have extreme strength, even more so then Earth Ponies. They are also one of the lowest populated races across the Empire, having it took them a while to ascend from a tribal stage to a city stage. Selkath are the only non-equestrian race in the Equestrian Empire. They can survive underwater for hours on end, and are excellent swimmers. They also have the unique status of most Selkath being apart of the Republic of Selkath, which the central Equestrian Government labels as a "Autonomous Region of the Equestrian Empire". The Selkath Republic borders on being a nation that is a puppet/satellite state of the Equestrian Empire. Description of government: Princesses: The Princesses are Alicorns, a mixture of all 3 types of ponies,and are at the highest level of the Equestrian Government. There word is law, and they gain the ability to become alicorn and the title of Princess through greet deeds that help the Equestrian Empire. They are usually kind and forgiving and due what is best for there Empire. High Council: The High Council is made up of one representative, with the exception of the Selkath due to there special status, from each race within the Empire and the method of how they are chosen is up to the race when they initially join. They help make decisions and often act as advisers and managers of individual sections of the Equestrian Empire. They also act as the heads of the Individual Species Councils. Individual Species Councils:These councils deal with matters related to there species and usually assist in the governance of individual planets. There is a council for every species that is apart of the Equestrian Empire, with the individual on the high council acting as it head. These councils also deal with legal matters that aren't delegated to the High Council or Princesses. They way council members for there individual councils is chosen is decided by the species. Low Council:The Low council is made up of representatives from various planets. They usually take in Civil suits and let the individual Species councils, or a court chosen by the High Council deal with criminal suits. They help choose police officers and other public officials for there planet, and usually receive votes to decide on laws for the Equestrian Empire. Governors of Individual Planets:How the Governor of each planet is chosen varies, but there powers do not. They make sure public officials are doing there job and help organize and manage there planets. Some, but not all Governors also have a seat on the Low Council,this is mainly due to a desire for many to seek out to help there planets more. Description of military: The Equestrian Military prefers Defense over Offense, there military command lines even saying a good Defense is a good Offense. They rarely ever go on the offensive, unless there recapturing a position. Even if they do go on the offensive there tactics focus on being mobile and exhausting the enemy. Planetary assaults often have them capturing then reinforcing there positions before they move onto the next. Ground Forces mostly consist of projectile and explosive weapons, with Space Forces also using energy weapons. Synths and augmented soldiers are also employed. History:Modern Equestrian history begins with the event known as the Unification Pact, following the 2nd Changeling War. It unified all of the Equestrian species into one nation, the Equestrian Empire, under the Monarchy of the 4 Princesses. The new unified species quickly saw growth, already fueled by the new technologies that had come from the Industrial Era. It wasn't long before the Equestrians had flying machines, and not long before they were launching shuttles to the moon and probes to explore there solar system. It was the dawn of a Golden Age for the New Empire. The Equestrians soon launched a colony ship as the space age dawned. It lacked FTL, and had very thick plating, it however colonized a Taris, another world within the Equestrians Home System. The colony prospered, bringing new resources and discoveries back to Equiis. Equestrians everywhere began looking towards space, a burning desire to spread across it, and meet new life, bring peace to it. It was the Birth of Duck de Steelhorn that brought about the dawn of the interstellar age. A brilliant scientists and mage, he discovered Nuclear Fusion, and built the first Fusion Reactor, along with the more well known Manafusion Reactor, which allowed the creation of mana for ships and devices that used it. His research onto the 3 magical dimensions allowed for the construction of the first FTL drive, the MDA(Magical Dimension Accelerator). He quickly rose to the rank of High Archmage, and became the magical adviser to the 4 Princesses. The Interstellar Age also brought about new technology. Cybernetics and Genetic augmentation, use of anti-matter, synth processes. They soon met the Selkath, a race that was in the Space Age. The Equestrians and the Selkath had much alike, and while the Selkath did not fully integrate, they joined the Equestrian Empire with there current special status as a autonomous region, being able to reject some nation law and having more governing authority over there lands, just without representation on the High and Low Councils. The soon discovered Dark Energy and now have basic research onto it and employ the expensive reactors in a few locations. They currently control 15 Planets, and are seeking to discover others. While there military is small, they are not easily invaded, each planet being reinforced till its a fortress.