His question was immediately followed by comically loud screaming and the distant sound of a body hitting the ground. "What?" Kanitah turned around from Khold and walked around the hole he made earlier, trotting up to a hill directly west of Khold. Putting his elbow on a pillar of stone and webbing, letting some of the weight off from his legs. "Well I'll be." Behind Fury was a green skinned reptile man, not unlike those folks who call themselves the Reptilians. Odd sort them, they seem hell-bent on world conquest but never do anything. "Damn, I'm thinking about too many things. My mind is wandering a bit too far today, what am I doing?" Kanitah sat down up against the pillar, pushing the thoughts from his head. "That green fellow looks pretty young, I'd be willing to bet he's more than suited to fight Fury than I am. Anyway, green weirdo's a godsend. I needed a rest." Although he seldom admitted it, Kanitah's not in his prime anymore. His abilities are amazing and always have been, but over the years his stamina was starting to fail. Probably lung problems, hell, maybe even heart problems. That thought was unpleasant, so he just kinda stopped thinking. Repeating the same sentence over and over in his head. Clear your mind, let your body relax. The Pundambayan folded his hands behind his head and let his legs stretch out on the ground. Closing one of his eyes and looking over the pair of fights laid out on this odd spiderworld. Kanitah wondered about how the outcomes of these battles would play out, he just kind of smirked. Forgetting that he hadn't actually seen Khold fight. Nor had he witnessed what this scaley newcomer had to offer. Perhaps they're both more than enough to take care of things here. A sad thought, isn't it? When the older generation begins to think that they might have outlived their usefulness.