Darkwolf and Duck are accepted! My app (Normal one due to the amount of stuff that has changed) Name of nation: Lakfakalle Cooperative Federation (LCF) Species: Delphan (Blue skinned humanoids with antennae, psychic and highly intelligent. Heavy genetic relation to the Loroi, speculated with humans) Human (Same races as today, speculated relation with the Loroi and Delphan), Abh (Same skin color range as humans, large pointed ears that stick out from the head and blue hair. Just barely considered separate from the humans, and thus genetic relation is speculated with the Loroi and Delphan), Dolphin (Yep, Dolphins, aquatic species split into 42 clans, genetic relation with the humans), Trilianthisk'Han (Sometimes called Boskops, extremely similar to the humans, but with a frail body and much larger head. Genetic relation with humans) Ethra'Hirel (Tripedal reptilians, genetic relation with Trilianthisk'Han), Loroi (Blue skinned humanoids with pointed ears that stay closer to the head than those of the Abh, mostly female species with high reproductive and maturity rates, heavy genetic relation with the Delphans) Description of government: The Government of the LCF is democratic, with a council made up of a fluctuating number of members being elected every year with no term limit for its members. There is a President, but s/he has the same influence as any other council member and is mainly a figurehead for international diplomacy. There are multiple factions within the Federation, all of which have Description of military: The LCF military is small, and there is only one weaponized ship capable of interstellar travel. They have planetary patrol vessels, but not much else. They have a heavy focus on automated defense, on the ground they have semi-sentient AI turrets armed with machine guns. Their mobile ground forces are composed almost entirely of armored vehicles, but there are still a significant number of infantry troops for combat in close areas. Instead of putting defense platforms in orbit of their planets, they use ground-to-space missiles and railguns. However, there are multiple ancient orbital defense platforms left over by the AIF that have been reactivated. The Air Force is essentially the exact same as a 21st century one, and is quite average. The Navy is somewhat of an oddity, being entirely submarine and having some Dolphin infantry divisions. Lakfakalle is protected by a huge planetary shield that requires a specifically modulated weak laser beam to pass through, making rocket launches even more precise than if the shield was non-existent. History: The LCF is a remnant of the Allied Interstellar Federation, when the Universal Cataclysm occurred all other AIF worlds were ruined aside from Lakfakalle due to its remote position and highly effective shield defenses. The history of the universe has become myth, and some religions worship mythical nations like gods. The LCF has taken control of old AIF constructions, but has so far been unable to replicate the technology. Before history became myth, they sent out the few starships they had to reestablish contact with the other nations, but none of them ever came back, having been destroyed by storms and hostile vessels. The history of the planet is incredibly peaceful, the LCF having been founded about 15,000 years ago. There were internal struggles and a few rebellions, but for the most part it has remained incredibly stable with a painfully dull history with few occurrences worth mentioning. The antimatter engine has been used for centuries as a method of interplanetary travel, but has never been used for interstellar travel as it would take far too long to get to the nearest star (Which is 40 light years away). Recently, Fairlan Miklan (Pronounced Fai-len Mee-clan), a Delphan scientist and politician, invented 'Warp Drive": An FTL engine that warps space around a vessel using negative energy, allowing it to trale at speeds that appear to be faster than light. The first vessel using this engine has been completed, and is preparing to depart for the closest star. Other (Culture and the like): Not much, culture is going to be shown in roleplay because there are seven species every one of which has its own culture. Sorry for the horrible history, couldn't come up with many interesting things. Accepted!