[quote=Dawnon Aeris] well im kindof in a rut here..i have to write my own conflict with the town and yet not be completely bias to my own victory...i mean theres 3 gms as in game masters and none of them are doing the job of a game master save to warn people that they're doing something wrong and yet on the other hand we have to flesh out the world ourselves, every town and stuff..i mean it goes without saying for towns that we would like to invent and such but for the ones existing already...and yes i know how hard it is believe me but youre putting the players in a position that players shouldn't be in, if you wanna do that then you might as well let the player do whatever they want to do..i personally really am not interested in too much detail in a town im about to destroy and reshape anyway, id be satisfied with a bare bone description.. if you want i will design the cities for you, not finding much to do with my keeper anyway [/quote] The reasons we do what we have been doing is because 1) the same reasons as Master Jay just said, because building the world is part of this RP and the autonomy means you don't have to wait for the GMs to go to new places, and 2) in such a big world it would be challenging for us to cover every single detail. However, we are happy to help you out where you need it. As you request, I shall set up Opes Fluvium for you and give you a starting point for the conflict.