[quote=PhoenixEye9] I always hate the system so this is easy for me :P [/quote] Ohoho, is that right? Well then. =3 [quote=PhoenixEye9] Also Andre, not going to lie, I think this would be amazing to do on roll20. I really do, [/quote] I have considered at points to make a kind-of tabletop RP in Eyreseum, but that requires effort and I'm split up enough as it is. @_@ I see what you're getting at though, and I do agree. XD Also: So does this mean you're joining us here though? =D [quote=Xiga] OMAI YOU ADDED THE NETIXELS :D IM GONNA PLAY IT. <3333 THANK YOU :D [/quote] YOU'RE WELCOME <3 WHOO ENJOY <3 BE AWESOME <3 CAN'T WAIT FOR YOUR CS! =D [B][U]Another @Everyone Message!~[/U][/B] Adding to Recommended and Posting my CS today! =3 [B]Also:[/B] Suppy is my Designated [S]Driver[/S] Assistant GM. You may direct questions and CSes to his fanciness. <3 [B]Also Also:[/B] [Hider=Have A Cookie!][IMG]http://www.cadburykitchen.com.au/images/uploads/recipes/ccookies.jpg[/IMG][/Hider] [B]Also Also Also:[/B] I'll be posting IC the moment I post my Character, but don't freak out, I just like to have things ready. Keep discussing here, because I still need to flesh out how far-reaching I'll be having this Roleplay. O_o Oh, and remind me to post you guys a map of the province. >o>