Morgan was steaming mad as she and the other children waited in front of the ornate passage for this Hag 'Lady Katashi' to ask them in. On her way in she had continuously shot venomous looks to Yoru-ahem-[i]MASTER[/i] Yoru. The thought he had demanded they address him with such an honorific was enough to leave a bad taste in her mouth. In fact she'd been so concentrated on scowling and sticking her tongue out at Master Yorus backside that she hadn't taken care to notice the differences of the spirits from normal humans. She could see them from the corner of her eyes, naturally, but only the shape of their bodies more than their frog-esque features. Why, even when Yoru had stopped and told the spirits not to say 'human,' or whatever, Morgan had only glared at Yoru with her nose wrinkled in snide distaste. She heard the words alright, but the meaning of them didn't register. The fact that they were surrounded by spirits, who apparently had their own ditaste of humans, was something she had caught but the fact had not sunk in. To make matters worse, the snobbish prick Yoru made them take off their shoes. What, did he think this was Japan? Yeah, it was pretty but it was no fancier than her dadddys house. (Of course it was, but Morgan could only focus on her arrogance.) When she was the last of the children to kick off her expensive and extremely comfortable shoes, Morgan walked without even so much as looking at Yoru. Her small arms folded, her brow furrowed and half stomping her way to the other children. She simply had to share her childish frustration. Without taking much time to pick whom she would talk to, and without much care as to who would hear, she spoke in a hiss to [b]the girl with the notepad.[/b] "Man, what a dick!" She knew most kids didn't speak the way she did, but when she was among friends their language always took an unnecessary turn for the inappropriate phrases. With a huff and a sigh in relief that she could finally let out the steam, she only turned her head now to grumble under her breathe. "Now I'll never get my shoes back..." She blinked then, as though realizing for the first time that there were kids her age here. She turned to [b]the girl with the notepade[/b] and extended her hand out, showing off a toothy grin. "I'm Morgan. What's your name?"