[center][b]Paranatural Countermeasures Conglomerate Arctic Headquarters — Hallway: Intel Block G14[/b][/center] These meetings always varied; at PCMC, one must expect the unexpected, but never plan to improvise. Two cliches strung together, but it gets the point across very nicely. Head Chin demanded attention, and Sean gave it to him wholeheartedly, though made no expression or features other than a blank stare and the occasional nod. Sean usually had no thoughts other than ones that directly related to the task at hand. He usually treated all of his assignments as they should be, not with any level elation to see the unknown or do no things, but rather just the necessity that each mission came with. The necessity to complete them in order to save human, the necessity to traverse the unknown and risk one's life, and the necessity to potentially sacrifice and innocent soul for the greater good, however reluctant he may be. That, and not the evidence or the dossiers or the information splayed out in front of him and being verbally tossed at him, sent chills down his spine; to sacrifice another human being to satiate the desires and whims of those malignant beings or those just designed for survival was a notion Sean was too familiar with. He made himself familiar with it and it chilled him to the core that he couldn't let it all go. One can steel themselves in the moment, but afterwards, they can either forget it ever happened or live with the guilt. Sean tried the former, but always fell into the guilt that stung and demanded attention. Just like Chin demanded his. Sean's eyes followed the man as he explained the situation, before his eyes fell to the papers to fully comprehend the mission. This wasn't new to him, traversing to other dimensions and his certain doom. He hadn't literally fell into a gaping maw of nether, but he'd stared into it, maybe a little too long because what he saw chilled him to the core. It's what people like him had to live with, and though it haunted him still, he was at least glad to know he was still alive and human. But, even a senior agent had to feel at least a tad bit anxious with these things. No one ever got over the anxiety that they'd never come back, they just learned not to show it and Sean was good at not showing a lot of things. The darkness engulfed the three of them, the sound of wingtips and his breathing the only audible thing to Sean. And when the lights turned on and Chin awaited a reply, he simply looked up at Jade, who stood immediately. "Saving Lowell isn't our priority," he muttered. His hands waved over the files in front of him, eyes scrutinizing the data on them before closing it and standing. He gave Chin a look and a nod before turning to Jade. "If you trust me, I trust you," he said, holding out a hand for her to shake, "If you want to make it out alive, that's the only advice I can give you." Sean turned back toward Chin, awaiting further directions, his hands interlocked behind him and a stern look on his face.