Max didn't stop to think about how oddly coincidental it was was Jason and Iikka show up at the same place at the same time, at the site of some already bizarre event. It was unlikely she'd have ever stopped to consider it, even on a good day. To Max, nothing was impossible. Coincidences were small miracles. Miracles were her imagination brought to life. That the two schoolmates -- two [i]other[/i] schoolmates -- she'd just left behind now appear at the crest of this strange occurrence was nothing less than standard. But Max wasn't paying attention to miracles or coincidence now. Jason had showed up, his question pulling her out of a stupor, and after 911, she'd stopped listening to anything he'd had to say. He was right. The thing that had crashed -- whatever it was -- had been some sort of...flying...thing. Like a car. With wings. But without wings. Whatever. It was a car with a driver (or a pilot?) and now it was rocking back and forth like the pilot was trying to get out. Max never even considered there could be danger. She saw a person, probably panicking, hurt, afraid, maybe even [i]dying[/i] and knew she couldn't just wait until the police found them. She shoved one hand deep in her pocket, found her old flip phone, and threw it to Jason as she dove forward. She only had a few more minutes for the month, but she was pretty sure emergency calls didn't count. If they did, she'd work the extra hours. It didn't matter. She wasn't about to just stand around while someone died in front of her she could have helped. "Call 911!" she blurted, throwing him the phone as she ran to the smoldering wreckage. She never even noticed Iikka. "I'm gonna see if I can get them out!" She dropped to her knees beside the weird thing and started looking for someway to open it. The heat coming off it blistered her fingers immediately. She didn't feel a thing. "It's okay!" she cried, her eyes watering from the smoke. "We're gonna help, okay? Just...just stay [i]alive[/i]!"