Oh damn. 'Oh damn,' as in this really is a video game... or something really broken. Blah, the point is that I thought severing half a wing would disable the dragon entirely, but no... there was something sinister brewing. Not really brewing, but something sinister in the air. Literally. We could all see (unless we were colourblind and couldn't see black for some reason (which for the record isn't a colour)), that there was this black aura emanating from the dragon and phoenix. Was it providing sexual healing? I didn't know, but by the looks of things, you did not want to be under the effects of this stuff. Several video games, common sense (partially based on video games), and Noivern's Awakening teaches you a lot, even if two and a half out of three things are fictional. "Ah, hell." I said without moving my mouth, stumbling backwards from the sheer force of the dragon diving towards... that hybrid. I squinted at him landing pretty hard on the asphalt. [i]Oh man. We went from a guy's driveway to onto the street.[/i] I felt this little itch. Not a real itch, but more of the one we'd get run over, despite knowing that car's clearly wouldn't work without electricity. I gripped the sword tightly as the dragon began eyeing me like a dog. Both sexually and hungrily. Otherwise known as 'lustily.' "Oh FOAD already. You've got a missing wing, for goodness sake!" As soon as he began looking behind himself and ignoring his burning companion, I started to run up towards him. I hadn't really exercised all these years, because I was confined to my room. If anything, my fingers were stronger than the average human's. I did the occasional jog inside my room, but otherwise I DID NOT expect myself to become rather fast and strong. Back on topic: he shrieked. Before he could finish off his death stare, I ended up tripping on the berm and bitch-slapping his snout with the side of the sword. I fell and splat onto the cracked asphalt, but at least I didn't go down as hard as him - he just comically fell onto his side, as if a 'KO' sign just appeared above him and ordered him to follow physics. "Phew. Good thing I'm indestructible." I quipped. Not original (heck, it came from one of my video games), but it would definitely fit this situation. I wonder why Richard gave me all those donations, knowing I would just spend it all on pretty much useless games...