[b]Orak Station[/b] "Captain, the engineers say the gun is ready to fire." "I'll let you do the honors, sergeant." "Alright lads get ready for the show. You won't want to be missing this beauty. 1... 2... 3... FIRE!" The whole bridge began to cheer and clap as the railgun successfully and accurately fired at its designated target, an old, broken down ship. "That gun has some firepower now doesn't it, captain?" "That was the goal, sergeant. Now, take some engineers and head out there. I want to know exactly what this gun is capable of. Alright?" "Yes, sir." The sergeant walked out of the bridge and into the hangar where his team of engineers awaited him. Along the way he picked up some of his gear that he would need for the trip outside of the ship. He stopped by his barracks where he got his spacesuit and his KR-7 recoilless carbine. He then preceded to go to the hangar. "Hey Sergeant Thaarr." said the second highest ranking sergeant in the squad. "Greetings, lads. I assume you've all been briefed. Correct?" The whole squad muttered different forms of 'affirmative'. Thaarr nodded in response. "Alright then, mount up, move out, and let's get this damn job done before the captain's patience gets the best of him." The squad followed Sergeant Thaarr into a small personal transport vessel where they checked their gear before heading out to the wreckage that was just created by the railgun. The vessel left the station and headed to the obliterated, decommissioned ship. It stopped and Thaarr was given the green light to take his men outside of the vessel and begin work. "Everyone out. I want all the information you can find so get working." "Alright, sarge."