Blake’s eyes widened upon hearing the man’s voice, having believed himself and the children to be the only passengers on board. Before he could react, Tori jumping to the back of the boat rocked it violently, causing Blake to fall off his seat and smack his head against the wooden floorboards. [i]I suppose one good thing can come from this…[/i] he thought to himself, rubbing the back of his head with his hand. [i]If I was dreaming, I would have clearly woken up by now![/i] “What is up with the--” were the only words he got out before quickly shutting his mouth upon seeing the hostility and disgust in the man’s face. Instead, he quickly picked himself back up and sat on his previous seat, averting his gaze from the man and the children for the duration of the trip. Death certainly didn’t sound appealing to him or, he imagined, to the other children. Who did he think he was anyway?! Yet that train of thought instantly vanished in seconds upon seeing the bright light on the horizon. Drawn like a moth to a flame, Blake’s eyes shined with childlike curiosity at the castle-like building. [i]It’s the stuff of fairy tales…[/i] was the first thought to his mind as they approached the castle-like building. [i]Father and Mother would never believe this if they heard about it from me![/i] Blake’s excitement was short lived, however, upon catching sight of the man turning his attention at him and the other children. Gulping, Blake forced himself to look at the man, nodding his head up and down quickly to assure the man he was listening. His mischievous side urged to disobey, yet he knew it wasn’t the time, and grudgingly accepted his rules as he got out the boat. Although, Blake could have never prepare himself for what was inside, and, he expected, did the other children… It was nothing short of chaos, men, who were actually frog- people where running around in white cloth robes, each carrying various assortments in their hands. Woman, meanwhile, where wearing pink cloth robes, and appeared to be cleaning the building. If it weren’t for the yelling, maybe he could make heads or tells of the situation. Instead, Blake decided not to think too much on it, shuffling uneasily upon having so many eyes focused upon him and the others. It certainly didn't make him feel better they were shouted at, because they were the ones to blame in the end, and something didn’t quite feel right about it… Upon hearing Master Yoru’s instruction, he decided to instantly obey, wanting to get as far away from here as possible. Trudging his dirty feet behind him, Blake looked everywhere accept at the workers, and marvelled in the size of the place. Culture? Blake couldn't tell, it was all so… foreign… to him, he just didn't understand anything. It wasn’t long after this he got into the lift with the other children, standing in silence as the lift ascended. [i]Lady Katashi…[/i] he thought to himself. [i]I wonder if she is more cheery than this stranger.[/i] Looking down at his feet absent minded, Blake only then noticed he forgot his boots at home, and that his feet were absolutely filthy with mud… Mud which he had been trudging through the room the women were cleaning. Oops. It’s here he found out that Master Yoru was peering down hopelessly at his feet. Blake innocently folded his hands behind his back, putting on his best smile as he stepped out the lift, before quickly averting his gaze from him. “I hope I don’t get punished severely for this…” he muttered under his breath, taking in the fantastic architecture and workmanship of the room. “It’s beautiful…” he said out aloud, clear enough for all to hear.