As Zharkov was relaxing in a pool of iced water, one of the Cyconoid guards approached him. For a moment he glanced at Zharkov, who was completely and utterly submerged in the water. "Do not fail in your next fight.... Your master would not appreciate it." And with that small piece of dialogue the guard left and allowed him to finish his bathing in piece. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile in the Pit, there was a scraggly haired man rocking back and forth, as his eyes nervously darted towards Akira. He began scratching his face in rapid succession, "We are all going to die here! I was just a BAKER, a BAKER! And I've heard they are going to make me go against the beasts. Beasts have really sharp teeth and claws and they are going to kill me!" He began bawling as his mucus and tears began mixing. For several moments he began gurgling on this strange mixture. He began hacking, as he turned his head to spit it out. He glanced at Shah-Nahul as he began crawling on his knees towards him. He clung onto Shah-Nahul's massive legs. "I know you are big, and that is how you survive! But you had to see smaller guys like me survive, right!? How do I NOT die!" He began sobbing again.