[hider=Abelia P.K Whitewoode] [center]Name: Abelia P.K. Whitewoode[/center] [center] [img]http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x332/HaileyVictoria/AbeliaPKWhitewoode_zps365c1396.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b][u]I am a man of many hats, although I've never mastered anything[/u][/b][/center] [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Grade:[/b] Sophomore [b]Appearance[/b] Height: 5'6 Weight: 124lbs Eye Color:Green [b]Social Class:[/b] (Wealthy) [b]Social Class Explanation:[/b] (Penelope comes from a wealthy family of five, where she is the youngest of three children. Though originally born rather poor in southern France, where she and her family lived for several years; she was able to live most of her teenage and adult life as an upper class citizen of America once her grandfather passed, and his riches were inherited by her mother. While it can be noted that Penelope technically owns and solely receives the funds from the family chain of Bed and Breakfast locations which are named after her, and to which she is the poster child for, Her father, Dr. Whitewoode, is the founder of Whitewoode Industries as well as Whitewoode LabCorp, the main source of their explosive income and of her families claim to fame. They also own several lines of Hotels, the aforementioned Bed and Breakfasts, as well as Restaurants and Bakeries, but they are of lesser importance, and are currently either owned or run by her older siblings who also attended Caelbury in the past. While her siblings may have been considered Elite, Penelope has the least amount of prestigious formal schooling when compared to her siblings who had a few more years to get acclimated to the fast track than she, and while she is undeniably well rounded, she is simply, technically, wealthy, in terms of social status. [b]History:[/b] Penelope’s mother and father had met years ago. She'd been the only child of a wealthy Count, and he was a military doctor stationed in France for several years. When they went to her family about marriage she was told she'd have her inheritance given away if she married a foreigner. Nevertheless she accepted it and went on about her life, and for years never heard a word from her family. They worked in a small bakery providing goods for their little town in order to make a living, travelling from southern France all the way to The Netherlands, in their attempt to keep their little family thriving and together. It wasn't until Penelope was 8, nearly 20 years later, that word from her grandfather finally came in. He had passed, and although he had been too stubborn to call for his daughter himself during his last moments of life, he had apparently never actually removed her mother from his will, and wanted her to have his fortune. It was nothing extravagant but enough to move them to America where their lives changed almost instantly. They moved to Manhattan, and quickly found themselves apart of a social hierarchy Penelope never quite understood. Incredibly gifted himself, just without the means to implement it anywhere in the real world until now, her father quickly invested her mother's money and within a year it came back tenfold. When she was 9 he founded Whitewoode Industries, followed by the Labcorp, where they quickly became a household name. Employing only the brightest, highest ranking physicians and scientist, handpicked from around the world, within two years they became the leader in medical exploration and breakthrough surgical procedures. With funding from all over the world pouring in, her father began investing and building in just about every industry he could get his hands on. Her older brother, though not officially CEO, runs Whitewoode Industries along with her father. Her older sister currently runs all branches of their hotel line, Woodework Resorts and Casinos as well as their line of Bed and Breakfast locations “Abelia’s: Bed and Breakfast”, named after and for Penelope, to which she is the technical owner, poster child, and star of all the commercials for. It has, however, gone undecided if Penelope will ever take over running the chain named after her. Her mother also founded and runs their international chain of bakeries, though their popularity is mainly overseas, where the chain originated. With all of their hands now full and their faces plastered across billboards and commercials, she and her siblings were suddenly expected to be these prim and proper beings. She attended private schooling, learned several instruments, became fluent in 5 languages, and has been most notably honing her tennis skills at quite the dramatic rate. While Penelope is nowhere near a genius, even without her money, she is a very bright girl. Penelope would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy the luxuries her family could now provide but through it all she longed for her little village back home. Before her parents became obsessed with material and frivolous things. Back when they didn't need money, or gadgets, or fancy things to be happy. [b]Personality:[/b] When around others Penelope always remains poised, calm, and collected. She always thinks before she speaks and measures her words and possible outcomes and reactions from them first. This, of course, is more from social conditioning than her own personality. Internally she's almost the opposite; bubbly, inquisitive, prone to quick temper and sarcasm at every turn. She is, however, relatively nice towards everyone until they've given her a reason not to be. She was young, but still remembers her own days of being poor, poorer than even those considered "commoners" here, and even though she knows very well how to intimidate others with her name or money, she doesn't look down on others for being less fortunate, and in fact, has the most compassion and kindness towards them. She will happily socialize with any group, from elite to commoner, but doesn't particularly consider herself apart of any of them. When frustrated, or when she simply wishes to be left alone, she can often times be found scribbling away in a sketchbook, out snapping photos of wildlife and nature, or drowning her annoyances in solitary tennis matches. [center][img]http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x332/HaileyVictoria/abelia2_zps4b94641e.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b][u]Call me, Penelope, please. [/u][/b][/center] [b]Extracurricular Activities[/b] Tennis Figure skating Gymnastics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Student Council Member (position TBD) International Committee Member (position TBD) Drama Board Member (position TBD) Additional volunteer work outside of school [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] Penelope always wears her mother’s pendant, a large “royal” jewel gifted from The Count, her grandfather. She plans to be ready for national competition, in either tennis or gymnastics, within a year or so. [/hider]