Okay so as the majority should know by now I used to live in CA... Whelp yesterday, at 6:00 PM me, my brother and mother left our home to move up north so we could prepare the new house in WA, which is closer to my grandparents who are old and shit and have nobody to take care of then if needed... problem was that I'd have no interwebz and that we are traveling via CAR. :) Whelp I get carsick and such so the first few ours I was pretty much a corpse till I got some Dr. Pepper and drugz. Shortly after we went to a World Market and bought all teh good shiz. AKA: CANDY!!!! :D Around about 9-12 I pretty much passed out and woke up with my mother screaming whilst driving (yeah I'm a terrible person lol xD) and in all honesty, Holy fuck shit looks nice and the people are all saying hello and were nice... I like this... I can live here and die happily. then I noticed, there is literally nowhere to live lol. These people don't live here, they are traveling as well lol. wasn't even in Oregon yet and I actually see NICE people. :D After we left starbucks I was surrounded by nothing but fucking roses. It feels like Maleficent was here for a day and just said "AND LET THERE BE THORNZ!!!" Once the roses cleared I actually saw that Starbucks lied and that this place isn't nice at all... To my left, there is grass land and plains... to my right there is MORE grassland and plains. (fucking Plains with their healing bullshit and silences and shit.) So yeah, travelling is fun. My mother was driving next to some some of farm/field (more likely the former) and we are still in CA even though she drove for like 12 hours and soon I'll be needing more drugz due to my carsickness. (reason why I don't like driving too :p) Though after taking the drugz I feel hell of a lot better. I just went past the forests, took some pictures and am now in the plains and farms in Organ. Fun time were had for a bit though most of it is just me sleeping lol. Every now and then we stopped and I'd take pictures that I'll post here later on. Things are looking pretty fucking magical. Whelp that's all guys. :)