Drag's eyebrows would touch the sky if they were to raise any higher at the pretentious man in front of him. "Excuse me? You were the one wh-" He hesitated a bit, and turned his head away to cough up a couple rocks/bits of lava onto the ground. "Sorry, alien wines are really good. Avoid that shit." He begin to rub his head as he tried to recall where he was. "Oh, yeah! You were the one who ran away like a little bitch, last time." Drag wasn't much of a fan of people who ran from battle. He was a man of finishing what he started, so he had made the decision to not let Fury run away this time. The terribly attractive dragon-hybrid abomination's stomach made a loud churning noise, and in seconds his cheeks filled with molten rock. It didn't take too much to lean forward, and projectile vomited a gout of lava onto the lying Fury. Once the rock hits his flesh, it's bound to burn, a lot, most likely searing it despite it's toughness. It would coat him entirely, only taking a few moments to coat him in delicious gooey hotness.