[quote=LeeRoy] I'm just gonna say one thing.Fury got up in like, less than a second to deflect an attack that was fired at him while he was laying down. How fast can he stand up from a static laying down and exposed position unaided by his energy? Cause if he got up aided by his energy, that's another charge voided. As Khan pointed out earlier with: Also, it takes like, 1-3 seconds to say a full sentence. And he was called weak at the very end. Immediately followed by a spray of hot lava. So yeah, how fast can he get up? Because it would take very little time for it to actually hit you while you're laying down on the ground. [/quote] Not really, to Fury swinging a sword and using basic energy blasts are comparable, you're using a low tier example on an intermediate tier character. Besides which, he didn't need to use energy. He just stood up and turned at the waist (not even turning fully) to blast him with energy. Easy business when an enemy makes some gurgling noise announcing his attack, especially for someone with twice the human reflex who's also a trained warrior. Watch some videos of people standing up some time. Also, I have the advantage of having all of this planned out in advance, it's not like I'm suddenly pulling Fury's attack out of thin air, he always intended to blast the fucker off the rock. Personally, Drag is lucky I'm not calling ballshit at him randomly dropping down from no-where just 12 feet or something from my character. And finally, not that it really matters, but Drag's character is launching a projectile (and not one I'd call particularly aerodynamic) so if Fury really needed extra time to meet the attack (which he didn't, in my opinion.) then he certainly got it with the time it took lava to leave Drag's character and cross the distance to hit Fury. I suppose, even on top of that, because Fury 'jumped' to his feet, he would have had to have moved forward (I'm sure you're aware of that style of regaining one's feet.) Therefore, that lava wouldn't even hit him anyway, he's moved.