Name: William F. Heartale Age: 321 (His birthday just passed a few days ago :D ) Gender: Male Appearance: William looks deceivingly young, perhaps older 20's, except his head of earlobe lengthened grey hair. He has broad shoulders and a kind face, his nose is a tad large and easily noticeable, he has slightly sunken in eyes and a tallish forehead. He has a strong build, though not one that came unnaturally. He is a bit on the tall side and is quite a bit pale. He has a tad bit of stubble on his chin every now and then. Race: William WAS human at one point, but he is now considered separate from that. A cursed being who has outlived his time. Quote: "Oh it's not so bad...just a few broken limbs" Hobbies: Doll making, painting, designing...reading, cooking and writing. Back-story(I will write a lottle bit of it): William was once a young man, he lived by himself in an old rundown shop he had bought with his life savings, this shop was put to use once more to kindle his passion, puppet and doll making. He restored it through blood sweat and tears and opened his less than popular store. He barely made ends meet but he was happy. He worked hard and kept every little bit he had special and dear to him. Because it was from a life he chose. One day a particularly nice looking young woman came into his store, she talked with him for many hours and ended up buying the most expensive dolls he had, day after day, she would stop by and chat, every so often buying a doll or two. William and the woman became closer and eventually fell into a relationship, it started beautifully but sadly went downhill...William had found a dark secret of hers, and why she had been buying so many toys from him. The woman had turned to be a witch, and had trapped the souls of many young children into the dolls he had made. William obviously tried to leave the woman, but she did not take the news so lightly, she placed a curse on him, a curse that would keep him alive until he truly loved her, and when he did, then and only then would he die. He ran from her, for decades, and she tormented him, for decades...eventually, he settled down once more, in a different shop in a different country, it took two whole weeks for it to burn down, after that he traveled once more, finding his current partner, and his current home. Acantha. Preferred Weapon: He control puppets with magic string Extra: He is still not sure where the witch is, but he feels she will find him eventually. Name: Eliza Age: 301 Gender: Female. Appearance: Eliza is a very very young looking girl, she is short and thin, having bug eyes and youthful skin. She has long orange hair down to her knees, and everything about her is bright, she has orange eyes, long eyelashes, a small nose with matching small ears, and a thin line for a mouth that seem to have nearly no lips. Race: Eliza is a fire sprite. Quote: "Just because it's on fire...okay I probably had something to do with it..." Hobbies: Knitting (not very good) cooking (also not very good) Back-story: A flame sprite is a being of flame created when a single flame is lit for a very long time, and cared for genuinely, the keeper of Eliza's flame, is William. When William had his own shop, and little to his name, he kept his one lantern lit at all times. He would speak to it, as if it was a living being, and refer to it kindly. He kept doing this for so long, even while running, that Eliza was born, she followed him, in secret of course, as he ran all around the world. She was far too shy to approach him, and at the time didn't even speak English. Eventually she gathered enough courage to try and approach him, but her feelings became to conflicted and she accidentally lost control of her abilities, setting Williams second workshop on fire. She followed him just as he witch did, until they finally met, and grew closer. Fleeing to Acantha, they became a couple of sorts. Preferred Weapon: Her flames Extra: Her abilities are linked to her emotions.