[hider=Clicky here!][B]Name:[/B] Yamataga Mihari [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Birthday/Birthplace/Nationality:[/B] April 20; Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan; Japanese [B]Clubs/Extracurricular activities:[/B] Swim Team. [B]Occupation:[/B] N/A [B]Weapon:[/B] Nagimaki, a katana with an extra large handle. The handle and the blade have approximately the same length. The handle is black with golden details, while the blade is your plain ol' silver. Mostly used for large swipes against big shadows, to compense for her height. [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://blog-imgs-61.fc2.com/e/r/o/erogallery009/nepunepu34s.jpg[/IMG] She has short, bowl shaped brown hair and deep blue eyes. She stands at 1.50 m, making her quite short for her age, in Japanese standards. She prefers not to disclose her weight and can be very sensitive about it, but it is estimated that it is around 50-60 kgm. He build is quite petite, since many things about her are as short as her height, and she is also very self-conscious about both her build and height, so telling her so can upset her. She is often mistaken for a middle schooler. [B]Personality:[/B] She has a heavy accent from her region, and she also talks in Kansai-ben, the distinguishing manner of speech of the Kansai region, referring to herself as 'uchi'. Some make fun of her because of this, but she doesn't really mind it. In fact, she has been bullied since she was a little girl, but with time she has learned how to deal with bullies, often letting insulting things slide. Getting her upset is something really, really hard and one of the few things that accomplish so is calling her 'short' or 'a kid'. While she can withstand being bullied herself, she cannot accept that someone bullies someone else, even worse if that someone is her friend and she will often meddle in, not caring too much for whatever may happen to her, as long as she can see others safe. This kind of thing happens very often, not only when she sees someone being bullied. Mihari will also help you if you have been appointed to cleaning duty or if you have to go carry something. Whatever it is, she will help you, even if it seems impossible for her. Mihari is someone who prefers to sacrifice an outing with her friends than letting someone do something on their own, so she is the go to person if you ever find yourself in a fix. Mihari is selfless to a fault, not knowing when to stop or who to help, as long as she can lend a hand, even if it is dangerous, she is happy. She has grades better than average, due to her constant studying, since she also helps those with low grades to study. While her overall personality is of someone calm and smiling, she often leaves her own things at last and prefers to do what others want to, often adapting her likings to what others like so they can have fun together, however, the only thing she won't ever change about her and the only thing she is certain to like on her own volition is singing, and it is also the only way with what she can let out the stress she builds up. [B]Backstory:[/B] She was born and raised in Sakai city, where she acquired her manner of speaking, but, due to her parents work, she moved to Hirameki city. Growing up in a place where everyone made fun of her because of the way she spoke was harsh, there was a time where she even thought of secluding herself from society, become a shut-in where no one could hurt her. At the very least, she knew that that wouldn't solve anything, so she tried to make a change in tactics, to ignore whatever hurtful things others would say and prove them that she wasn't the same as them, and so, she started helping them with everything she could, trying to befriend them rather than making them her enemies. It worked better than she would expect, to be honest. Many of the harsh comments subsided and she made friends from where one would less expect it. After that, her constant helping of others turned into an habit and she continued doing it. Lately, she has her head full of things. She is in her last year of high school, but the question remains, what should she do after it? Her parents have told her that she should go to college and inherit the family profession, however, she wants to go to a special college in which she can study her favourite thing in this whole world, singing, but she knows full well that her parents wouldn't let her and that to do so, she would need to leave her house and start working. While the latter isn't something worrisome, she is indeed worried of what her parents may think, since she doesn't want them to get mad at her, after all, she was raised by both, no matter how much work they had, they always found time for her, and she is grateful of it. [B]Likes:[/B] Books, music (Both listening to it and singing it), cats, helping others. [B]Dislikes:[/B] Others helping her, bullies, insects. [B]Persona:[/B] Siren [B]Arcana:[/B] Hanged Man [B]Skills:[/B] Bufu, Makajam, Ice Boost [B]Strengths/Weaknesses:[/B] Resistant to Ice, Dark. Weak to Fire, Light.[/hider] Imma be leavin' my CS here.