I will admit, honestly, the whole portal from nowhere was completely just dropping somewhat close, and out of nowhere was a little bullshit, but that's still besides the point. And if we're doing the comparing lower tier to intermediate tier characters thing, Drag isn't really a lower tier either. Drag didn't just kinda flop the lava out at Fury lazily, and as I said, (while silly) projectile vomited. It'd be propelled forward. It's not exactly a small projectile, either, so moving such a short distance wouldn't do much for Fury either. Drag may be silly, but he's not going to get himself killed. Anytime he is talking, he is doing said action, he doesn't just stop to talk, like some cartoon villain. Also, I kinda just wanted a rematch with Fury, as he ran away last time. So let's not argue all night, I just would like to kick Fury's ass.