[quote=Cpt Toellner] Get outside, find a hobby that involves making things with your hands, pick up a sport (doesn't need to be competitive or a ball sport, just anything that involves activity).There is hope for you yet. [/quote] Let's see... For a sport I'll take hunting and shooting guns with old-man badass over here and would probably shoot at the shooting range sooner or later. For a hobby, I'll pick... wait... I already fucking have one. Fuck that! It's time to get to WORK! I'ma get meself an actual job. But no really, if it comes to building shit and making shit I'd make all of the things and get too distracted and not do what I want/need... which is getting to know my grandfather, getting a job and keeping myself in the honor's list in my college. I do draw every now and then during my pass time but as I said before I don't have much talent in that field so w/e... Game design and programming shit while screwing around with computers is my hobby I guess... that or RPing/Spamming here or MTG.