Right, so your character was what? Spitting the lava while talking? If you don't write that your character is doing something while doing something else, then he is not, it's sequential. And LeeRoy, stay out of this argument, because you're obviously not reading things correctly and making weird points that make no sense by pulling out what-if statements that don't even apply to the conversation. It's clearly stated Fury intends to blast him off the rock with energy, what you quoted was Fury's reaction to being rushed instead, where he would engage in melee. He wasn't rushed, instead he was engaged in probably the easiest way for him to strike. Strange though how the exact same energy blast in the last thread sent your character flying around in circles when it was hardly even aimed at him, now I'm directing a full body blast it's apparently being negated by a thin stream of lava? How is that preventing the energy throwing you off your feet exactly?