[quote=WrittenFaith] I am going to start off with her joining the guild...probably should have made that clear. The guild mark was just so that after she joined everyone knew where it was and such. As for adding it into the picture...that was not an easy thing to do at all I had to completely free crop that thing. That was hard. [/quote] Okay, that's what I thought but i just wanted to make sure so i wouldn't try to introduce you in the wrong way. And I bet it was tricky, haha, but well done. Next time though let me know and ill send you an image. Anyways, feel free to start posting whenever you want. By the way, to everyone, here is a picture of the guildmaster today: [img=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/077/5/f/practice_by_kyrie0201-d7aq8ao.jpg]