[b]Everyone:[/b] Just waiting for a few more people (Andre, Wrens, other people), then we'll get this RP started, eh? [b]Xiga:[/b] Ah, now I understand the type of gold you were talking about, thanks. xD [quote=DogDemon67] Alrighty~ well thanks for telling me what I can improve on! :D I appreciate that, since now I can work on making myself better. I wish you all the best of fun in this rp :3 [/quote] Of course, good luck to you man. :) [quote=Dlayeth] She's drinking age :PShe mentions that, though she doesn't know what drinking age is. Oh right, US drinking age is 21. Oh well, she's somewhere in that area. 18-21 :P So yes, abusive childhood, multiple rapes... I wasn't sure how well she'd be received because things clear to me might not be clear to others. [/quote] Darn, I should have taken location into more consideration. Where I live, the age is 18. :p Oh yeah, Dlay. Real clear. -w-