[quote=Ostarion] The had taken the impact of both the ice-make magic and lightning magic, which made it disassemble to the ground and essentially disappear into dust. Aedius sensed this, and was not pleased with the fact that there were in fact, intruders in the crypt (other than himself, of course). He had found his desired spell already, and would begin casting it in just a moment. But first, the young necromancer would take the initiative to deal with the intruders. He already had many minions guarding his 'throne room' and were readily prepared to attack on sight, but Aedius would take the initiative to deter the intruders himself; picking up his staff, he spoke into it. His voice became significantly deeper, and echoed through the crypt almost as if he was omnipresent. "Who enters the crypt? This place is sacred, and honors the dead. Those who enter the crypt, die by the crypt. Leave now, or your hearts will explode."Obviously, Aedius had no idea how to make someone's heart explode, nor did he find this place to be sacred. He found a certain tranquility here, but that was merely because it was an area which complemented his magic. Aedius put the staff back down, and prepared to cast a spell. Recited an incantation, and stood still. Two green magic seals appeared on the ground - both on the opposite sides of his throne, and would stay there until the spell was complete, it would take a long time to channel the spell, and in that time the intruders would be able to continue to the first room, it was barren, nothing was in it, as the single skeleton which guarded it was already dead...again. [/quote] I couldn't help but laugh at that "your such a bad liar! We coming to kick your ass out!" I called out knowing their was no spell to make someone's heart explode especially if the voice did know a spell to blow up a heart it could only be done at close range so I called his bluff but we had to find him first." Sasha we need to move in as fast as we can before he call more skeletons" I told her already moving in first