The new Queen of Avra sat in a secluded location in the middle of the forest. Her husband 20 minutes away by foot and likely sleeping away at their campsite. They were currently traveling to their new home after the elaborate wedding from two days past. She still could not believe that she had gotten married and was now Queen of this beautiful land. It was all like a fairy tale to her. She hadn't expected she'd ever be married or Queen because she was the fifth in line in her old Kingdom. The fairy tale wasn't like any other, however, she was not in love with her King. She silently hoped that one day she would. Sitting alone in the woods certainly would not solve that particular problem, but Laura had to get away from the stifling atmosphere surrounding her new husband. She hadn't exactly known him when they were announced to be married. She still hadn't spent a single second alone with the man once they stood in front of each other at the alter. She just hoped circumstances would change over time as they got to know each other. Until then she'd need to get away every once in a while. Otherwise she would go certifiably insane. A slight ruffling sound coming from the Queen's right startled her. She stood quickly and struggled to see in the dimming light of late afternoon. "He...hello?" She said tentatively. "Joshua? Is that you?" She hoped it was in fact her husband. The feeling in the deep of her stomach unsettled her. She was scared. Out from the shadows stepped a man. "who...who are you?" She reflexively stepped back a little and bumped into the rock.