The ancient Dragon had nestled himself into the alley, feeling the camera hang from his horns while he slept. Despite how it looked, the Blood Dragon -hated- human beds. His kind were never meant for such luxury so even if she had offered for him to have a room as well, he would have only done it for her sake and not his. Beds were soft and rooms were confining. Gore didn't want to cause his new mistress any more trouble than he had, shifting his form in the middle of the night would have been bad and since it had been so long since he was in this specific form? He wanted to be sure that the room wouldn't suffer for it. Knowing how much he was worth, Gore could only imagine just how much money the girl had spent on him as well as how much she had left on her. Slowly, the Dragon's eyes fell heavier and he soon drifted off to sleep in the middle of the night. It was true that he was far more vulnerable in this state but he didn't seem to care that he was in a city full of people who may or may not want to see him harmed. The legendary Dragon slumbered as if he were a baby. ~ [i]The day was long and arduous, his master had refused him the arena and instead? Sent him off to handle the fields. The last thing Dragons cared for was the growth of plants. They would sooner set the fields ablaze and feast off the ash that the fires created. Finally finishing the damned fields, he headed back only to find that he was to head out into the near by town to collect items with his master. With a soft and subtle sigh, Gore went with his master to the market, keeping his head down. His dark red color looked slightly paler than usual and his eyes looked more strained as well. It seemed as if the Blood Dragon had fallen ill, it was most likely due to tending the gardens as much as he had..His kind -really- wasn't meant for that kind of work. Keeping his darkened teal eyes hidden from the other humans and other Dragons in the area, he collected the satchels of seeds and oats, as well as soil from the market, carrying it all as his master went on to explain why he was tending the fields. Something about how his kinds presence always made the insects flee, like they knew he was there or something. Clearly the human was insane, though Gore still followed him blindly. There were many questions about why a Dragon such as Gore didn't fight back and simply fly off. His masters back was toward him and he could easily take his claw and run the man through. The Blood Dragon couldn't lie..the thought crossed his mind more than once. He wanted nothing more than to taste the blood of this rotund man. The one who kept ordering him to do menial tasks, the very one who made the Legend himself a joke. Clenching his claw into a fist, he found the restraint he needed and carried on. That is until they had left a store. All he heard was someone say something crude and then he felt a blow to his head that caused him to stumble and fall to his knee's. Everything he had carried fell and he quickly looked around to see what happened, seeing a slab of concrete shattered into multiple pieces. Then his teal eyes looked up at the second floor window that was still opened. There was a group of kids laughing and grinning from the window. A pair of adults were also there looking out the window next to it, grinning themselves. Gore leaned forward, trying to grasp what was happening. He could hear someone but couldn't make out what they were saying. Moving his claw to the back of his head, he felt the red sticky liquid that poured from where the slab hit him. The Blood Dragon's senses quickly returned to him, only to hear someone yelling. "Oi! You kids..I paid good money for him and if he's hurt you're gonna be in debt for the rest'a yer lives!" Feeling the faint vibration of the mans movements into the cobblestone, Gore looked up at his Master with confused eyes. "Quickly, quickly! Pick up what ya dropped or else ye aint gettin' any dinner for a whole week!" smacking a bag into Gore's head, the Blood Dragon looked down at the small puddle of blood that had quickly formed below him, starting to piece everything together. Moving his clawed fingers over the items he dropped, he collected them with shaky hands. The only thing he wanted was to shift and to blaze every last damn human around! They were laughing at him! What kind of sick people would do something like this to just laugh at him! Standing back up, Gore had held back the urge to growl. The Blood Dragon just felt sick to his stomach. These pathetic parasites were beyond cruel. If he didn't feel as ill as he did, chances are he would have been able to avoid this whole thing. "Oi..Lemme look at'cha.." The man moved closer to him, grabbing onto Gore's wounded and nearly ripped off horn, pulling him down hard. Letting out a whimper, Gore felt the eyes of his Master on the wound he had. His horn looked as if it could be pulled off with just a bit more pressure. "Ah yer alright..No food for you though, not for a week. You load some of the oats and our horses are gonna be a wee bit more hungry than they should be..well, come on." Gore kept his eyes down on the ground, carrying what he had. Even though he was stumbling all the way home..[/i] ~ The Blood Dragon woke up to find a humming bird perched on his snout. Narrowing his eyes at the creature, Gore hadn't moved. Part of him wanted to snap his jaws over the tiny thing. Letting out a snort, he tried getting it off him. Finding that his actions weren't working, the Dragon merely laid there and whimpered until he saw his mistress come from the Inn. Looking up at her, he quickly moved over to her in his true form, leaning down to bow his head to her. When he left the alleyway, he could hear kids making comments about him. Some of the people were taking pictures and others were gripping onto some rocks they found like they were about to pelt him in the face..