[b][center]PCMC HQ (northern arctic) - Lecture Hall 2[/center][/b] Ivan raised his hand as he sat in the lecture, waiting to be acknowledged. He was a man with a specialty, but clearly he couldn't survive on his niche alone so he's been running ragged learning everything he could. Yesterday he was studying medical, today xenobiology. His mouth was full of a plug of [url=http://www.dollartree.com/assets/product_images/styles/large/937280.jpg]chew[/url], but not the kind most expected. He didn't smoke or drink too often, nicotine burned through him in seconds and alcohol in minutes so it was never cost effective. The only things that kept him running was food and the company of others. If he got called upon, he spoke up. "If it is a germ made of cilicone, like quartz, then why not treat it like quartz and not a germ? Ultrasound is used to break up kidney stones, so why not use ultrasound to shatter germs?" If he wasn't called upon, he would keep his hand raised as long as the lecture remained while watching on upon the prisoner being subjected to biological terrorism as a lab rat so everyone could see the effects. He couldn't object to the man in the suit being used at the moment, his life was forfeit. But he knew he could write a letter to a superior about the retention of our humanity to save humankind. He was the most humane person here he felt at times, if he had been raised a werewolf like others were then he would clearly have a different view and most likely would be mounted on a wall. It his was experience in the worst humanity had to offer that let him be compassionate to all others, even if he couldnt do anything about it.