Alrighty then... Before I post, there's a few things I need to clear up. Firstly, does anyone know if you're allowed to cut your own previous post? I'm pretty sure you're not, and I'm pretty sure that's exactly what Vordak just did. My post didn't do anything to alter his until my feet started moving, yet he was responding to what I was going to do well before that. Secondly, even if you can cut your own post (or if what Vordak did isn't considering cutting his own post), where did all Meats' momentum go? He lunged [u]forward[/u], then swung his sword [u]forward[/u] (a sword which almost weighs a full tenth of Meats himself), while leaning and twisting his torso [u]forwards[/u] to give more power to the blow. All of that happening in less than three seconds. Then, without any shifting of momentum or prior set up, he's instantly moving backwards faster than David's feet can cover the distance between them (the feet should have been hitting him just as the sword came to a stop inside the pillar, and the attack was launched as it struck it). I'm sorry Vordak, but I've gotta call BS. Physics still apply in this fight, and you put way too much behind that blow to pull out of it with no consequences like you did. Your sword is just too plain heavy to wield like a rapier, it has a ton of momentum that you're completely disregarding (most of it in the tip where the largest amount of weight is), and given how little Meats weighs there's no way you could pull off what you do in that post. And that's without the impossibly physics defying dodge maneuver you performed. All that said, I'm not trying to be an asshole here. We're doing this to get better at writing melee combat, and I'd hope you would also call me on my BS if I tried something you saw as impossible. Also, the other duelists opinions are welcome. If I'm way out of line and off the mark, let me know.