Alright, he seems about on par, but have a look and see for yourselves. [hider=Vanarus] Vanarus Sallein Race: Vampire Age: Ancient Appearing age: Thirty-Forty [img] [/IMG] Height: 6ft Weight: 85kg Physical attributes His speed is clocked at roughly four times that of a peak human, with reflexes to match. His strength is four times that of a peak human, with a stronger body to withstand this strength. He can see clearly in the dark. His vision is superb, more than twice as acute as any human, and his reflexes are four times as quick as a result. He can hear heartbeats from roughly 100 feet away, when concentrating. He can hear twice as well as a normal human. He can smell blood from 100 times the distance of a normal human. He has light regeneration, wounds etc can be healed by drinking blood. Though he can feel pain, he has a greater resistance to its crippling effects and can outright choose to ignore it if he wills. He has short claws, with nails that are almost impervious to damage and as sharp as steel daggers. His bite inflicts a foe with the vampiric curse, though consumption of his own blood is required to finish the transition. In the short term, it can cause significant nausea and minor paralysis in any foe, strange visions, and eventual transition into a familiar, barely human. His body is very resistant to frost, poisons and diseases, due to being undead. He is however doubly effected by holy magics. Learned Skills: Vampires have an innate ability to carry out a wide number of superior physical acts. Expect anything humans are capable of from the vampire, be it superb swordsmanship, acrobatics, and other skills applicable to ending the lives of mortals. Weaknesses: The sun hurts his eyes, and depletes his abilities to half their normal state. If he has not fed within 12 hours, he burns in the sun. Bright lights damage his eye-sight for a short time, almost like a flash bang effect. Being stabbed in the heart is instant death. Having his head cut off is instant death. Fire is twice as effective against him as an ordinary human. Powers: As an ancient, Vanarus has greater resistance to the sun than most of his kind, but it is matched with a greater blood lust. He also has the ability to enter a mist like form, and burst forward about 10 feet (which can be extended). This move can only be used when the sun is either obscured by a cloud, or in the shade. Using it over ten feet hardly affects him, twenty fatigues him, and thirty cripples him for a short time, and leaves him completely worn out. In his mist form, he is completely impervious to physical damage. Vanarus also has access to a wide variety of vampiric magical abilities he seldom uses, out of his own sadistic sense of superiority. Shadow Cloak - Relatively effective invisibility, most effective in darkness or low light levels, comparably less effective in lighter conditions. Muffle – Prevents footsteps from being heard, takes very little magic or concentration. Silence - Prevents an opponent from talking or casting spells, it is launched as a green hex which flies as fast as an arrow. The time it lasts is usually very brief, only five or ten seconds depending on an opponent’s mental constitution. Seduce – Basic vampire ability, coerces someone to do as the vampire wishes, usually works on mortals at close ranges, can be resisted by PC’s. His other powers are many, but don’t expect to see them, Vanarus doesn’t rely on magic. Weapons: The Chalice. The Chalice is a dark Rapier, its history tarnished with blood and misery. A fact reflected on the blade itself, which is stained with a line of blood, from where it was forged from the ashes of the last ancient. The most curious thing perhaps, is that the hilt of the blade is reversed. Forming a cup from which the blood spilt by the blade runs into. The blade itself is 100cm in length, and resistant to all forms of damage. It has been tested in the past, hammered, melted, burned and smashed. It could not be tarnished, it could not be destroyed. It could only be hidden. It weighs roughly 2kg. Any wound opened by the Chalice is instantly purified, the blood runs clear, and constant. The wound will take days to close naturally, unless the afflicted has some form of regenerative magic they are doomed to leave a trail of blood. It can cut a groove through three inches of steel, but it’s most useful against bare flesh making its user reliant on finding the inevitable weak points in all armour. The picture below is a reverse image of what the Chalice’s hilt looks like. [IMG][/IMG] Clothing: Vanarus is often seen wearing dark nobleman’s attire, with a dark cape lined with crimson red. It offers little protection, for he has his speed and reflexes to account for that inconvenience. Equipment: Vanarus sometimes carries with him a small container filled with blood, to heal minor injuries in a long fight, and to revitalize his flagging strength. However, if he opens a wound on his opponent, he can easily drink from the Chalice. [/hider]