[b] Daniel - Haywood - The Peeps in the House [/b] Daniel pulled the buttons on his shirt together and pressed out the wrinkled plaid patterns. He clipped down the buttons on his pistol holster and then proceeded down the stairs, his black boots resonating a loud thud on the wood. He saw the three girls sitting in the common room, the little girl named Katie seemed to be tearing up. "I hope I'm not interrupting..." He turned as Emma began to stand. "I'm gonna take Katie upstairs." Emma stood and took Katie's hand. "C'mon, sweetheart." Just then, a knock resounded at the door. Emma proceeded upstairs with Katie and Daniel went to the door. He was surprised when he found a red-faced Audrey standing on the doorstep. "M-Mister Mayor-" "Audrey, you can call me Daniel." "Daniel, y-you were right, a-about Robert." Audrey said. Daniel stepped outside and closed the door. "Henry and I went to the farm- t-to look for survivors like you said. I-it was crazy, that's when we found the new three. Robert's pals opened fire on the farmers, but they got away. Th-then Anthony saw us. I-I thought he was gun shoot, but- but he just shot Johnson! We came back, I went to the mess hall to find you; then Robert looked like he was about to snap, but he- he pulled my gun and put it to his chest, told me to pull it... He's crazy, Daniel!" "Audrey, I need you to listen to me. You and Henry are going to be alright. You don't tell anyone about this, alright? You lay low. I don't know who all is on Roberts side." "Are you gonna tell everyone? Cause they need to know that Tyler is still alive!" "For all we know, he's just a walker that's stumbling around the catacombs." "But we don't know that!" Audrey said. At that, she turned around and walked away. Daniel sighed and turned into the house, returning to Shannon.