Mizuki looked to him blankly she was defiantly tired and simply just wanted to try and get a little more sleep so hugged the pillow a little burying her face in it but knew the time had come to get up, she remembered hearing the name enigma along with Sir or Mr Saxon but she wondered why she'd heard his name there at all which had brought on more caution in her words and actions and it showed in the honest eyes she had. She was slowly beginning to become suspicious of the man named Enigma before her. She was indeed clever and even though she'd only had a little sleep, she still held the pillow to her as her eyes seemed to inspected him more closely now that she was feeling a little better than the previous day. As he cupped her chin she moved a hand bringing his hand down a little as she looked to him closely and hearing his question she spoke "I'm alright, nightmares come and go… sleeping a long time, had a lot" she said to him having remembered a few more words as the effects of the cryogenic sleep wore off slowly. She watched carefully his actions now, she'd defiantly remembered his name being spoken there and pointed to him. "Bad man…" she said bluntly "Enigma… head of project… bad man" she said again. Her intelligence had finally kicked in as she figured out exactly who he was, the curious, intelligent an honest emerald orbs only showed that. But she'd only heard his name, she couldn't remember him in any of her nightmares so, what had he actually done as the head of such a project? Mizuki watched him with caution as per usual and looked to the door, oh she was smart knowing she had no energy to escape again at the moment and at leas this place appeared pleasant but he still appeared as a problem. But her mind was still working out any better options and unfortunately this place was still her best option at this moment in time. "Why here? Why not back at labs?" she asked him again a frown on her lips. She wanted some answers now and certainly did not plan to do anything until she got them "Why test subject?" she asked "What happened when sleeping for long time?"