[b] Abram Chamberlin - Floyd and Jess' House [/b] As Floyd walked upstairs, Abram grinned to himself. He liked this guy... He was as tough as nails, and man, did he look like he had some guts. The man sat on the floor against the wall, his arms hanging on his knees and his hands clasped together. Floyd wanted him gone, that was for sure. He wanted to take care of Jess by himself, and Abram knew he must respect that decision. It was a stupid choice, yes, but Abram didn't want to fight Floyd. He might have imagined that he'd overstayed his welcome, but one must be welcomed in the first place for that. Abram couldn't protect them, but he could help. He stood and picked up his rifle, cautiously going outside and returning inside with a box of sixteen cans of food. He silently carried them upstairs and laid them in front of Floyd's door. He quickly made another trip to the car and retrieved the two boxes of 9mm ammunition and set them on top of the cans. When he was finished, he went back downstairs and slept again the wall.