The year is 2026, 30 years after the unknown champion known as Red swept through Kanto, earned all 8 badges, defeated the Elite Four, and took on Team Rocket single-handed. Kanto is a much nicer place now. Trainers are a more common sight than Red's days. Groups of teenagers can be seen soaking in their new freedom that a training license provides. New pokemon can be found in our great region, thanks to migrations, breeding programs, and some invasions. Team Rocket is officially history--the last sighting in Kanto occurred twenty years ago. Kanto is now a safe, peaceful nation. Except Team Rocket isn't dead. They're deep underground, hiding, and have yet to be noticed by the media or the police. They rely on secrecy, black market deals, and hiring other organizations to do their dirty work for them. Giovanni still heads the crime syndicate, but he's an old man now. He's looking to end this cowardly secrecy and restore Team Rocket to it's former glory, back when all of Kanto feared them, and even the police couldn't protect the citizens. So, he issues an order; look for possible recruits. Teenage trainers make a good mark, since they're more likely to enjoy causing trouble and not think about the consequences. If they can, recruit gym leaders. If not, replace them. The order rang out just a week ago. Recruits have already been found--low-level teenagers either bullied or coerced into joining Team Rocket. The police and media have yet to catch word of this. Good. Giovanni wants to make that announcement himself. In this roleplay, our characters are a medium-large group of teenage trainers who travel together. Some of the characters are the "good guys", regular, every-day trainers who have dreams of making it big and don't want to turn down the path of evil. The other characters are the "bad guys": the soon-to-be Team Rocket recruits. They are also trainers, but for some reason they will decide to join Team Rocket. When that happens, the roleplay quickly becomes sorta like a game of Werewolf, "Who is the Werewolf that keeps killing innocent Villagers?" Except, the TR guys aren't killing people, they're stealing pokemon, breaking into stores, selling suspicious wares on the black market, yada yada, all while pretending to be an innocent trainer who just wants to get all the badges and become Champion or Top Coordinator or Gym Leader or whatever. [hider=Rules]Same crap as everywhere else. No godmodding, powerplaying, don't be a dick, whatever. No one-liners. No excessive violence. I don't care that much about swearing, but remember that this isn't Pulp Fiction.[/hider] Notes on the World: [hider=Notes]In my version of the Pokemon world, pokemon replace animals in every way here. People eat them, people raise them, they have dog fights tastefully known as "battling", etc. Pokemon here don't say their name, they make animal noises. Scientists are skeptical on the relative sapience of pokemon too; not all pokemon have human-level intelligence. The Psychic types seem to, and legendaries do, but not your everyday Rattata. The limit for obtaining a trainer's license has been upped to 13 after some wild Pokemon attacks on two 10 year old boys. Yes, Pokemon attacks do damage to people, but they don't tend to draw blood on themselves. Even a Jigglypuff bleeding would be a shock. However, pokemon do age, die, and can be hurt tremendously in battle. A Gym Leader's pokemon tend to have scars of their many battles.[/hider] Notes on Characters: The limit for characters is two, one good guy and one bad guy. I don't care about the gender ratio, so don't worry about that. [hider=Form] Username: Name: Gender: Age: (13-18, please.) Appearance: (either in the form of a picture or a description. Or both.) Affiliation: (Team Rocket or normal trainer?) Bio: Pokemon: (We will keep track of levels and abilities, so make sure to include that.))[/hider] Wormgod: [hider=Phoebe Jones][img][/img] Name: Phoebe Jones Gender: Female Age: 14 Affiliation: Trainer Bio: Phoebe is a city girl. She grew up in Saffron to a lower-middle class family living in one of the many apartment skyscrapers. Her mother is a pharmacist at one of the human drug stores, and her father does a variety of odd jobs around the city. Phoebe grew up a rather normal kid; going to school, hanging out with friends, nothing special or tragic. In fact, the most tragic thing that happened didn't happen to her, but to Twin. Like many others in her graduating class at Saffron Academy, she immediately signed up for a Training License and chose the family pet as her pokemon; a Girafarig that her father rescued from a drain pipe two years ago, when he worked in Pokemon Control. (This world's version of Animal Control.) The Girafarig [i]was[/i] a trainer pokemon when they found it, but it was released from it's pokeball by a special machine for abandonment cases like this, and then assigned to her father. He kept him as a pet and let Phoebe named it "Twin", because of it's two heads. It quickly became apparent that there was something off about this Girafarig. Girafarig were known as cunning, intelligent Normal-types, thanks to their second head, which took on all the primal, instinctual duties and left the main head to concentrate on more challenging things. This Girafarig, however, behaved the same with [i]both[/i] heads; jumpy, a bit slow to react to people, anxious in large groups, and sometimes really talkative. They took Twin to a veternarian, who diagnosed him with the pokemon equivalent of autism, most likely from inbreeding among the small Girafarig population in Kanto. Twin's other trainer probably left him in the streets of Saffron because of that, but Phoebe loves him anyway, even though he's a little odd. Pokemon: Phoebe trains Normal types. Girafarig - Twin - Male - 18 - Inner Focus Astonish - Odor Sleuth - Stomp - Confusion Girafarig is Phoebe's first pokemon. She named him Twin. He has been diagnosed with the pokemon equivalent of high-functioning autism. Rattata - Ratter - Female - 17 - Guts Tail Whip - Quick Attack - Bite - Hyper Fang Ratter is Phoebe's second pokemon. She found him in her hotel room one night, nibbling on her leftovers. They've been together ever since.[/hider] [hider=Johnny Caldwell][img][/img] Name: Johnny Caldwell Gender: Male Age: 17 Affiliation: Team Rocket Bio: Johnny is the great nephew of Koga, one of the famous Gym Leader's of Fuchsia City. Although the Gym is now run by someone outside of the family, the Caldwell's still hold political power in Fuchsia, similar to real-life Kennedy's. Johnny grew up hearing stories of the great Poison-type master. His mother home-schooled him and made sure he received many history lessons on their family, Fuchsia's ancient past as a city-state, and on the usefulness of Poison types. He was given his Ekans at 10--a direct violation of the Training and Licensing Act, which states that only those 13 years and older and in possession of a training license can own, breed, and train pokemon--but the Caldwell's were rich enough to have that crime ignored. Johnny loves his Ekans. He never battled with it, but it got a good amount of experience as they played outside, and sometimes in the Safari Zone, watching the Rhydon bulls fight over mates, and trying to catch a glimpse of the mythical Dratini in the water. When it came time for Johnny to get his training license, he was more than prepared. His healthy training fund helped as well, allowing him to buy as many supplies as he wants without having to worry. He wandered around Fuchsia's close routes for a while, then set out for the Viridian Forest to catch some Bug-types. There he caught Beedrill. On the way back he found Nidoran. He's yet to train her up to Ekans' and Beedrill's level. Pokemon: Johnny trains Poison and Bug types. Ekans - Male - 18 - Shed Skin Wrap - Poison Sting - Glare - Bite Ekans was John's first pokemon, a gift from his great uncle. This snake is a grandson of one of Koga's Arboks. Beedrill - Male - 16 - Swarm Poison Sting - Harden - Fury Attack - Twinneedle Beedrill is Johnny's second pokemon. It was caught as a Weedle in Viridian Forest. Nidoran - Female - 12 - Poison Point Growl - Scratch - Tail Whip - Double Kick Johnny's third pokemon, a recent catch on Route 3. [/hider] [url=]Rune_Alchemist[/url] [url=]Duthguy[/url] [url=]Ostarion[/url] [url=]TBKrunk[/url] [url=]Scrub Mage[/url] [url=]Mad Scarlet[/url]