"Oh my gosh, I can see it! It's right there~!" squeed the wolf-eared girl with her face pressed against the glass windows of the sprawling airship, staring with glittering eyes at the steadily-approaching Beacon Academy. The excited faunus was making rather strange noises as she watched the academy grow closer and closer. And why wouldn't she be so happy? Her dream was going to come true! Kicking ass in the name of equality, and getting praised for it! And she could even thin down the Grimm numbers while she was at it! With a giddy pivot, Grizel Lyall made her way back to her assigned room, beaming. It wouldn't do to leave her belongings behind after finally making it... and leaving it unattended when she was quite unashamedly showing off her non-human features was usually asking for trouble, but eh - anyone that touched her stuff would be taught a lesson, and then she'd be the top student in all the classes! And being the best meant more nap time during the day, and then she could practise cooking some more in her spare time... Grizel was practically skipping now, lost in her own daydreams.