Andreios felt his heart stop when Ava had examined and commented on his necklace.... Which for some reason he kept.... even though, it was a symbol of a lie. It was originally made to be weaponized against him had he found out she was a Mage... but it never came to that did it. When Ava retreated back to her father his hand came over the stone, touching the cool smooth surface and was greeted with memories of better times. Times when he was 'free'. He began to wish he had simply ran off with Ave when he had the chance, instead, he allowed vengeance to cloud his reason. Raine had told him of this. The bandit, or what ever the freelancer was, had, many of times, told him he was much to spirited with revenge. She traveled with him for a year, but had him down in a week. The woman would bother him with seemingly pointless things, like Ava. He only told her about her once, and from then Raine was determined to get him back to her. However, it was Kain that brought him back to her... Because Raine was in dire need of a good healer... The slave shook his head and looked forward. Ava's mother wanted him to save her little girl, from the man she knew to be her father. If Raine, hell, if Kain were there, they would tell him to do the same. And the sad part was... he knew it had to be him. Only he could save her at this time. No one else... Andreios stayed a good distance from his master and Ava, but following still. His dark blue eyes narrowed on his master. It was pure hatred he felt for the man. A man he had once loved... Andreios could recall his childhood filled with the want to make his master happy, like one's dog would feel. It sickened him, and still did to think he was just like that, and many slaves feel that way. It made him want to rip the heart right out of the man... But his priority was to save Ava... not kill his master. Not anymore. Sighing, the man shut the stables behind him and followed back to the main house with out a word.