Connor stood, the bronze golem lying at his feet, breathing heavily. However, the battle was not over yet. Dragons and gryphons and various forms of creatures still fought at the opposing force. It was not a great battle, however. There were few participators, and the ones that were at each other's throats were not at all great or massive in size. It was like watching two small ants go at each other. He was not completely sure which ones he should've been fighting for, or who was allied with another. He didn't have quite the time to simply ask which side he should have been fighting for, so instead, took a seat on the bronze golem's body, watching them fight it out. It was quite entertaining, actually, like sitting down to watch TV. They were quite occupied with each other at the moment, and didn't seem to really notice the hulking brute looming over them, his shadow overtaking the both of them. The emerald plume of the Dracoavian was speckled with blood as he fought the dragon in a battle. The Phoenix attempted to help the Dracoavian with a rolling ball of flames at the dragon's back, who became angered and attacked the Phoenix, leaving only the Gryphon to attack the Dracoavian once more. Connor stared at the small creatures fighting by his feet, calling out in tiny voices with interest. The Dragon had a clawed hand against the Gryphon's throat, a threatening grin on it's face. Connor stared at the dragon briefly, who seemed to be having quite the time. [i]So, I guess I hit the dragon?[/i] Connor thought to himself, looking down at the pair. He flinched, his back screeching in pain, but stood up, brushing dust off of his knees and lap. He walked over to the battling pair, bended down, and wrapped his stone, clumsy fingers around the dragon. He pulled up his fist slowly. The dragon fought and bear at him, roaring obscenities to him as Connor held him. The dragon just barely fit his fist; luckily, it probably wouldn't have if his fist was actually in proportion to his body. He tightened his grip, but inadvertently created several large slits between his knuckles, and the dragon's wings were released from his grip. The dragon beat at the air with it's wingspan. Clearly, it was strong, as Connor could actually feel the air shoving against him, trying to pull him down and take him out. Another strong gust came from the dragon as it beat it's wings once again, even more air being dispersed. The dragon's wings were massive, and even while his body was restricted, they could easily beat at the air with full strength. One more gust, and Connor's hands came loose, the dragon freeing itself and flying into the air, it's red scales twirling. The dragon grimaced at him, staring at the golem, before suddenly launching itself at it. It swooped by him, claws outstretched, and left behind long, etching claw marks across his side. Connor's groaned in pain, feeling the marks left behind from the attack. The dragons stared at him from behind, laughing before turning back to the Phoenix. Connor hoped that the thing got away while he was wrestling with the dragon.