"Laura..." Cirro was stunned. Part of him was overjoyed at the news of the child, and he wanted to cling to that emotion of love and pride. At the same time, though, his heart sank as he knew that this could only mean trouble for the both of them. It had already caused such distress for the one he cared most about, and if anyone found out... He had kept the meetings a secret from his own father and the others he knew back at home as well. He couldn't bear to have anyone try to stop him from being with the human queen. Even after finding that she was the queen, he was too intrigued by her, by her manner, by her tales to resist meeting with her a month later. In truth, it had actually given them another way to relate, as they often had to deal with very similar issues on a normal basis. It made their meetings so much more refreshing; an escape where they both could throw away all pretenses and agree not to deal with all of the nonsense. To her, he was just Cirro, a curious man of the Fae, and to him, she was just Laura, a fascinating and very pretty human... ...and soon the love of his life. He could never forget how it happened, from that first day when she caught him off guard with that kiss on the cheek, to the many meetings they had first as friends and eventually as lovers, enjoying such a relationship that he had never dreamed possible. But now here they were, finally facing the danger that came with it. Cirro looked from the telltale bulge to his lover's face. His own expression softened as he took in the tears in her eyes and he stepped forward to embrace her. "Laura, please...it would have far been worse if you had been killed along with the child...I'm glad you came back, I was so worried when you stopped." There weren't enough words to describe exactly how he had felt when she never showed up the past few months. The fear and longing had hurt more than anything he could remember. She was safe, and that was what mattered to him, but now what were they to do? They couldn't give the human king any reason to suspect anything of the queen, and he certainly couldn't just steal her away, as much as he wanted to. That would likely bring the humans to declare war on the Fae kingdom on the grounds that they had abducted their beloved queen. Wanting more than anything to be able to say that he could make everything better somehow, he could only give Laura the obvious answer. "We...we will have to...stop meeting like this. We can't let your husband discover what's going on. I love you, but I can't let anything happen to you or our child." He tightened his grip, fearing the eventual parting. "After tonight, it won't be safe."