[b]Ava swayed in her chair a little at the dinner table, feeling a bit dizzy for some reason. Ever since she'd touched Andreios' strange pendant in the stables, She felt a little... off. She wasn't sick or in pain, it just felt like something wasn't quite right. But what could possibly be wrong? This day was just like any other, except for the arrival of Ava's new bodyguard. Was there any chance Ava had met Andreios before today? That thought stopped her in her tracks, & to herself, She tried to recall Andreios' face. She just knew it, she [i]had[/i] to know him from somewhere. If only she could figure out from where. "The boy from the south!" Ava suddenly said aloud, gathering the attention of Andreios, her father, & the servants. James almost dropped his soup spoon as he started at Ava in open shock, but quickly recovered & straightened himself out. "There was a boy that visited when I was little," Ava explained with a rush, "He only stayed with us for a short while, but-" "Yes Ava, Master Andreios is that boy," James interjected, keeping his voice low, almost dangerously so. Ava naively missed her father's tone & smiled happily, glad she had figured out what was nagging her. Deciding to grind a bit of salt into Andreios' wounds, James smiled & straightened himself out, preparing himself for Andreios' reaction; would he be able to contain his anger? "Do you remember what you told me when he visited?" James asked aloud, "I think I remember you telling me that you wanted to marry 'that nice boy'. Your excitement was so cute." & it was the truth. In less than a week, Ava had taken a shine to James' new pet project, disgusting him to no end. His daughter wasn't going to be involve with a lowly servant, he would be damned sure of that. "F-father!" James continued to smile & watched Ava try to hide her face in embarrassment, horrified that he would out her to Andreios like that. But he wasn't finished, not just yet. Turning, James extended his smile to Andreios, the superior glint in his eyes hard to miss. "It looks like you're my little girl's first love," he announced, hoping Andreios felt the stab in his chest. This would be yet another thing that would follow the slave around for as long as he lived. Ava hadn't been taken away once, but [i]twice[/i].[/b]