Andreios paused, he was looking at his master, but his mind was reeling back. Had he met Ava before? His memories of a child were fuzzy and confusing. But there she was. His master's girl. He was a few years older than her, which seemed more of an difference then. She was kind to him. Too kind. All she wanted to do was to follow him around like a puppy. Back then he didn't seem to care. He simply accepted the girl's presence as he accepted many things. Had she liked him? Did she really? What was it about him that attracted her to him... He looked at James and narrowed his eyes. He would give no reaction. He would keep his calm and answer accordingly, like he would have... Like a good, mindless slave. "I see my lord." He looked away from his master and looked at Ava. The girl looked so... cute. He wanted to hold her, tease her about this. He wanted to look into her eyes and say nonsense. This, this pained him. The knowledge that he couldn't do it now. "Your daughter has poor tastes."