[quote=EliteCommander] Well, I have a question. Will we have a chance to RP the immediate aftermath of the battle after all demons are cleared, or will it be an immediate timeskip? [/quote] Hmm.... I would like to RP a little bit on the aftermath, yes. Given the state of things, I want Lucilia and Tyrael to immediately set about increasing the defenses of the college. But I will say that the window of opportunity would be rather small. If we get the climax finished by Friday, I'd give you all a week to RP out the aftermath on your own. After that however, we will likely timeskip as planned. I'll have to talk to Fallen and Rtron more about it later, but it's certainly something I'd like to do. [quote=Ryonara] imagine that the world is going to be a bit more dangerous with demons around now. [/quote] Yes, now with Kudd's increased influence on the Mortal World, demonic activity will be increased. Mostly it will be around the Djarkel Area since the Veil there is weak and the Ravine Presence is the strongest there, however other parts of the world will have their fair share of demon problems as well. Keep that in mind as you all decide how you want to develop your characters; while there will always be a human threat in the future, most of your enemies will likely be demons. A lot of them, of different types, strengths, and weaknesses. Due to their vast variety, there will likely be at least one who can exploit your current weaknesses or are immune to your strengths. Thus I would suggest that you might want to pay a visit to either Lucilia for demon-slaying equipment, or Tyrael for intel on what you're going to face. Or you know, whatever else you want to do.