[b]Floyd - House - Jess/Abram[/b] As the sun signed in for work, Floyd opened the window to allow some breeze to flow in the home. Jess still lay on the ground where the two had slept. She seemed peaceful, so Floyd didn't move to wake her. He couldn't believe she actually went to him during the previous night. He had actually been awakened by her touch, noticing her arrival. That doubt he had about them furthering their relationship was actually erased from his mind. Her little act of kindness showed Floyd that she didn't care about his age or the malice actions he'd shown her in the past. What she looked at was his own personal acts of kindness, just like the one she showed to him just last night. So during the night, he made sure to keep her arm interlocked with his, he didn't want to let go. But anyway, the morning came and the window was now open. Floyd walked over Jess, making sure he didn't step on her in any way. He turned the knob to the door and opened all while stepping out of the room. Suddenly, his foot ran into a box sitting right before the door in the hallway. "What the-" Floyd said to himself as he bent low to check it out. His wound wasn't as irritating as it had been the past........two days? Yeah, two days. Anyhow, he checked inside the box to find canned foods and ammunition. He proceeded by picking up the box and bringing it into the room he had slept in. He opened up the small closet and put the box within, hiding it from sight. He didn't want to have regrets about his earlier decision to kick Abram out. Regardless the man's hospitality and aid, Floyd didn't want to trust him. He wasn't about to start relying on somebody for help because he felt as though he still didn't need any - especially from a stranger. Right before he was about to leave the room, Floyd noticed the blanket covering Jess was not really doing its job. He went towards her silently, bent low once again, and pulled the blanket over her shoulders. He then returned to leave the room as planned, going downstairs and to the kitchen. He turned to the shelf [b]their[/b] food was and took one of the fruit cans. He opened it up and poured it into one of the clean bowls they had. He placed it on the table and moved onto opening up another can of food - also fruit. It was basically all they had actually. Soon enough, he'd have to go hunting like he used to do during their time in the wilderness. He then poured that second can of fruit into another bowl, putting a fork into both. Then he went out of his way in attempt to get the juice from the bowl into a cup. The Floyd sat down and started eating the fruit from one of the bowls, all while staring at the stairs, waiting for Jess to come down. The other bowl with the cup filled with juice would be for her. He was also waiting to see Abram cross the hallway and exit the home, hoping Jess didn't have any objection. -------------------------- [b]Robert - Cells[/b] Robert opened the door to the cell room. An entire day had passed since the incident with the girls and the movement of the male raider. The giant lay chained to a wall, sitting on the ground which was once tainted with both innocent and guilty blood. Not much had changed though, the room remained as dark as it once was and still had sinful markings all around. But as the sun had come forth, Robert entered the small facility. He was only accompanied by one of his trustworthy guards who remained outside. Robert closed and locked the door behind him after entering. He put his gun on a small table, a table that's been there forever. It was rusty and completely filthy, but it still sat up straight. Afar from the prisoner lay a crowbar, which Robert decided to pick up before starting for Bull. He pulled the chair usually used for prisoners and brought it towards Bull. He sat down and played with the crowbar, swinging it side to side as he adjusted his bottom on the chair. After that, he turned his gaze away from the crowbar and onto the eyes of the giant. "Good morning...." Robert started. "So, have you put some thought into what I spoke to you about yesterday? Are you ready to tell me where Tyler is hiding?" he asked the giant. "I really do not have time to be driving all the way out here just to speak to you so I hope you answer correctly" he added as he waited for Bull to answer him.