As the unrest occurred in the Fae's kingdom the human's kingdom prospered. They seemed to have everything going good for them. Laura had found a small amount of happiness in mothering her daughter. She watched Genevieve grow into a beautiful Princess who luckily looked more human then Fae. Sometimes she could see Cirro's mannerisms in her facial expressions. It made Laura's heart ache for longing, but she tried to ignore it best that she could. On a beautiful sunny day Genevieve sat under a tree with her horse grazing nearby. She was reading a book she was particularly fond of as the summer breeze played with her black hair. She reached the end of the book for the thousandth time and she could still feel the tears in her eyes at the main character's death. She sighed and closed the book, holding it to her chest as she did every time she read it. She then stood and walked over to her horse, "Hello beautiful lady. I guess its time to head back in." She kissed the mare's nose and mounted her. Once back in the stables she stumbled upon Aedon, "Finished the book again!" She said gleefully as she lead her horse into it's stall. She kissed the horse's nose before closing the gate and returning to her good friend. "I was thinking, we should take a trip to town tomorrow. Or maybe even today. I want to stop by the bookstore and see if I can find any more classics." Sometimes she seemed to get to far ahead of herself before she actually thought about things. She often forgot that Aedon was just a servant at the castle and not someone she could drag around everywhere, "Your busy aren't you?" She sighed, "Never mind then, I suppose we can go another time. Maybe this weekend when your off duty?" She smiled hopefully at him. She had known Aedon since...she realized that she might have just known him her entire life. He always seemed to be around when she was younger. As if he were her shadow. As she grew older they had become very good friends. In fact, he was her only friend beside her mother. Her father had strict rules about who she could talk to. Sometimes she wondered how she got away with the friendship between her and Aedon. Then she'd decide it best that she not overthink such luck. Without Aedon she feared that the good mood she always seemed to be in would falter. Despite her demeanor and her smile she did not genuinely feel happy. Often she faked it just so that her mother or Aedon would stop asking her whats wrong. Her father was often yelling at her or telling her how worthless she was. She felt like a small fire being suffocated. She wanted to burn brightly, but there was no air to feed her.