So for people who play it, this will be interesting. For people who don't, it should still be pretty interesting. I'm playing with a class of 25 original characters, and the three relevant in this story are Kriemhild von Harz, Callisto Gorgophone, and Logan Lyatt. Callisto & Logan hate each other, and Callisto & Kriemhild have been in a relationship for a fairly long time, so I've been purposely trying to build a relationship between Logan & Kriemhild to make things interesting. Aside from the fact that Logan already has another girlfriend, it was actually pretty easy. Just recently they became a couple, and now Callisto's disposition toward Logan has increased a fair leap! I was actually anticipating a fight between the two to break out, but this is grounds to make them friends or even form a three-way relationship. I just might keep this thread updated with how the Logan/Callisto relationship progresses. Also, if there [i]are[/i] other AA players out there, maybe we could share a few characters :)