[b]James' laughter, in response to Andreios' comment, was instantaneous. While he didn't have the satisfaction of beating the slave back into submission for lashing out angrily, the tone of his voice, the iciness in his eyes... it was even better than he hoped for. Ava felt terrible on her end, no longer squirming in embarrassment, but looking down at her plate in disgust with herself. She could hear the annoyance in Andreios' response & assumed her was bothered by the news of her childhood affections. So he really did think little of her; as much as she expected this, it was still saddening. "I-i'm going to bed," Ava announced, standing from her seat at the dinner table. She had barely touched her food now, but she really wasn't that hungry anymore. Besides, she didn't know if she could take being around Andreios right now, just after she assumed he'd spurned her. She should leave the room to keep her head held high for another day. "Ava be sure you are ready for a meeting with Lord Whitley tomorrow morning," James ordered his daughter, causing her to stop in her tracks. Whitley was one of those rich men that she didn't want to be tossed with, & unknown to her knowledge, had already been her fiance in the past. While James wanted to torture Andreios, he wasn't stupid. Ava was nearing the age of an old maid, & needed to be married as soon as he could, more or less, sell her off to the highest bidder. "N-no," Ava replied simply. She tried to keep her voice firm & proud, but she was too devastated & nervous to speak up against her father, & with good reason. No sooner had the words been uttered from her mouth did James stand. He quickly closed in the space between him & his daughter, the young woman letting out a sharp yelp as his palm smacked hard enough to make her face recoil from his hand. He was a bit apprehensive that Andreios would step between them as Ava held her cheek in her hands & staggered backwards, but he wasn't going to tolerate this behavior from Ava. She was already back to the behavior she was exhibiting right before she ran away two years ago. "You will be ready for Lord Whitley's arrival," James announced once more, leaving no room for discussion in his tone; his word was law, & Ava would follow it, or she would suffer. Ava didn't confirm or deny his comment, but instead left the room as she felt hot tears running down her cheeks. If she was embarrassed before, she was mortified. James paid no mind & went back to his seat. He was eerily calm now as he began to eat his supper again. "See to it that Ava does not leave this estate tonight," James ordered Andreios, "If she makes it one step outside the threshold, she will not live until morning." With this chilling statement, James went back to his quiet meal.[/b]